Ultimatum: Reincarnation of an Alien

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"I wonder..." mumbles Moss. "Do dandelions taste good?"
"Don't even think about it." says Feeny Rye.
Moss, Feeny, Kart and Sunny are all sitting together on the wonderful grass hill next to the villa in Manora. They are enjoying the weather without thinking about anything worrisome.
"I heard dandelion's liquid is good to get rid of warts." says little Sunny.
"Woah! I didn't know that!" gasps Moss.
"Well, Sunny actually studies, unlike you." teases Feeny Rye.
"Hey!" Moss punches him softly.
"Haha." little Kart laughs.
"On the contrary," says Moss sternly. "Feeny, what are you planning on doing in the future?"
"That's sudden. I'm not sure, why?" asks Feeny.
"I don't know...I'm just a teensy bit bothered by it." says Moss.
"It's best not to think about it, we've still got so much time." says Feeny Rye. "You'll figure it out eventually."
"I wanna find my soulmate!" spouts Moss. "Then we can travel the world together!"
"Hmm, yeah...travelling sounds nice." mumbles Feeny. "Going on adventures with friends...how wholesome."
"Adventures?" asks Kart. "Can we go on journeys together too, please?"
"Yeah! Take me with you too!!" pleads Sunny.
"You two didn't seriously think we'd exclude you? Of course you'll accompany us! You lovely babies!" adores Moss.
"I'm not a baby!" groans Sunny.
"How about we go on an adventure right now?" suggests Feeny Rye. "It's pretty boring, we should explore something new."
"Yeah," agrees Moss. "Let's discover the unknown...

...before it's all gone."


I turn around.
"Knologos Nile?"
It succeeded. Mia turned back time. Everything is back to how it was before the end of existence. However, something is missing...
Mia herself is not with us anymore.
And nobody besides me and ten others can remember her.
"You weren't evacuated?" says Sunny without stuttering this time.
"No," says Knologos dull. "There is no reason for me to."
Soon, everybody else started realizing the havoc around us.
"Knologos!?" shouts Joe stunned.
"Shouldn't a non-" Agent Asia Lone got cut off.
"Agent Lone," says Sunny stern. "Get everyone out of here, now."
"W-what?" she seems confused.
"NOW!" commands Sunny informal. "Get Agent Madison and evacuate everyone. This is about to get bloody."
Sunny remembers.
"Everyone!" shouts Tron. "I'll teleport you away from here, grab my hand!"
Tron too.
Everyone who had been stuck in that bubble Echo had created remembers. They recall the end of the world.
"..." Knologos mumbles.
"Where is your father?!" asks Sid.
"Oh my, my arrival has been predicted? How frightening."
We hear Knologos's father's voice and suddenly he emerges from the ground.
"Kairkaids!" shouts Zoom.
"How do you know my name!?" Kairkaids is perplexed. "Either way, you are all-"
"Stop the bullcrap!" screams Floof. "Knologos, don't listen to your abusive father!"
"..." Knologos is quiet.
"Ugh..." Cookie pants. "Why do I feel so weird..? It's like something is...missing..."
"N-nothing is missing! What are you t-talking about?!" Isabella sucks at lying.
"I'm sure you're just experiencing some sort of déjà vu." claims Matei.
"Ah...alright." states Cookie. "Weird..."
I think it's better to keep it a secret. Not like anybody would believe us if we would tell them that the world ended and Mia, a girl they don't remember anymore, turned back time to save everyone. Yep, highly unlikely.
"I'm not going, Tron." says Joe. "I'm here to fight. We just defeated the evil organisation, I can endure a little bit longer!"
"..." Tron is proud of Joe.
"I'm also staying." says Fault.
Floof looks at her and starts sobbing.
"H-huh!?" Fault noticed her crying. "What's wrong!?"
"Y-you don't know how much I missed you..." cries Floof.
"But we've been by each other's side this whole time?" Fault is perplexed but continues to comfort Floof.
Yes...everything worked out. Mia Barleybone, she saved the world, but nobody remembers her. I don't like all of this oblivion, but it's better than the end of everything...I suppose.
"Let's fight!" screams Leonie. "For all the ones we've lost!"
"F-for our friends!" I shout.
"For Class 34." smiles Echo.
"What is this heart-warming scenery? Disgusting!" shouts Kairkaids. "DESTROY THEM!"
"..." Knologos is quiet.
"DON'T!" shouts Floof. "PLEASE NOT AGAIN!"
"Again..?" Fault is shocked.
"Knologos," says Matei in a calming voice. "You don't have to destroy the Earth. You can save everyone in Andromeda and in the Milky Way. Let's make a compromise."
"How do these fuckers know so much!?" Kairkaids is furious.
At least we're one step ahead of Kairkaids and Knologos. We are well aware of how this is going to end if we don't do something eventually. Knologos won't be able to decide through the pressure, forcing him to grow outsized tentacles uncontrollably, causing overkill. We must stop him...but how? Do we have to kill our friend? He might have killed everyone, and Mia is gone because of him. But I still can't blame him, and Mia turned back time anyway, so he technically didn't kill anyone...except for Mia indirectly. Nonetheless, he's still a victim of domestic abuse and trauma. I want to help him. We want to help him.
"Compromise..?" murmurs Knologos. "What kind-"
"Yes!" Matei cheers. "A compromise!"
"STOP INTERRUPTING!" Mujunii shouts at Kairkaids.
Matei ignores him and focuses on Knologos while Mujunii and Kairkaids are screaming at each other, "Your father, what did he tell you if you let the Earth live?"
"..." Knologos isn't responding.
"Please answer me." says Matei in a comforting voice. "No one is going to hurt you anymore."
"..." Knologos looks at Matei. "He said my home will disappear if I don't do this."
"Does he have any proof to back that up?" asks Matei.
"...he said the humans attacked my planet and killed M-Maria..." Knologos's eyes started tearing up when he mentioned his sister's name.
"Have you seen humans before on your planet? Did you see them hurt your sister?" asks Matei.
"SHUUUUT UP!" screams Kairkaids while Mujunii and Tron are keeping him in line.
Joe is singing a lullaby with his magic, causing Kairkaids to become slower.
"BE QUIET!" Mujunii punches Kairkaids.
"NO!" Kairkaids's tentacles wrap themselves around Mujunii's body.
"MUJUNII!" shouts Isabella concerned.
"Don't worry." says Rain. "I'll freeze them."
A wave of blue flakes can be seen as they land on the tentacles.
"AAAAAARGH!" screams Kairkaids.
"I..." Knologos mumbles. "I haven't seen any humans in Andromeda."
"There." says Matei lightly. "Please stop this and come back. It's still not too late to back down."
"..." Knologos is quiet.
Kairkaids suddenly began glowing red.
"What the-" Sweet sounds surprised.
"Is he evolving!?" shouts Cookie.
"GAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Kairkaids's whole alien-body is starting to get bigger.
"Everyone!" shouts Tron as he grabs Mujunii's hand and teleports away. "Back off!"
"AAAAAAAAAAGH!" Kairkaids has gotten more massive.
He looks like a leviathan. He has razorsharp-looking blades on his back, and multiple black tentacles wiggling around. His whole body is quenched in black liquid. It looks like ink, and it's also dripping to the ground.
"KILL THEM, KNOLOGOS! THEY KILLED MARIA!" shouts Kairkaids as he swings his tentacles around.
"NO!" shouts Matei. "Knologos, listen-"
"I've had enough." Knologos starts rising to the top. "I can't take this anymore. I don't know who to believe anymore. What do I do now?!"
Oh no...it's repeating.
Was this all for nothing? Did Mia sacrifice herself for nothing? Are we all going to die again, and this time everyone will die without remembering her at all.
"Believe us!" shouts Matei. "We are your friends! We can find out who killed Maria-"
"KNOLOGOS!" shouts Matei. "YOUR FATHER-"
Instantaneously, a humongous tentacle emerged from the ground and attacked Matei.
"MATEI!" shouts Sid. "FUCK!"
"I'm fine!" says Matei, who had turned himself into an eagle quickly enough. "We have to stop him somehow, or else Mia's sacrifice will have gone to waste!"
"..." Floof is silent.
"How do we stop him!?" asks Rain. "Do we kill him!? I c-can't kill him! He's still my friend!"
"There has got to be another way..." mumbles Echo.
"Well, we need to think quickly, or else his giant tentacles will annihilate everything again!" says Sunny. "I'll grow some trees!"
Out of nowhere, sequoias broke the surface and charged towards the wicked Kairkaids.
"S-such massive Mana!" stutters Sweet. "I'm impressed!"
"I have grown a lot over these past few months of terror!" says Sunny. "Time to take down this motherfucker of a father and save Knologos!"
"..." Rain sighs.
"TREES!?" Kairkaids laughs. "PATHETIC!"
The sequoias almost managed to pierce him, but Kairkaids had wrapped his tentacles around the tree, snapping it into two bits.
"N-NOOO!" Sunny rages.
Knologos eyes her viciously.
"H-he..." Fault is stuttering. "HE'S DASHING TOWARDS YOU!"
"H-huh?" Sunny looks at the sky and flinches.
Knologos flew at her and grabbed her by the wrist.
"HAHAHAHA, GOOD JOB, SON!" shouts Kairkaids.
"Don't call me that." says Knologos motionless as he stops midair, keeping Sunny as a hostage.
"Stop talking," says Knologos, glaring at him. "It's pathetic."
"Gah-!!" Kairkaids is shocked.
"SHUT UP, YOU BLOOD-THIRSTY MONSTER!" screams Kairkaids as he tries to squish Zoom with his tentacles.
"Too slow, grandpa!" says Zoom while sticking his tongue out. "You're battling the king of agility!"
"GRRRR-!" Kairkaids is mad.
"Knologos!" shrieks Isabella. "Sunny is going to fall!"
"And?" Knologos's eyes are empty.
Sunny's whole body just shivered. It's as if her heart just shattered.
"What do you mean, and?!" Isabella is stunned. "SHE'S YOUR FRIEND!"
"..." Knologos sighs. "I guess you're right."
"Y-yes, I am!" says Isabella while struggling.
"I've got a bad feeling..." mumbles Fault.
"Don't jinx it." hisses Cookie.
"Do you want her back?" asks Knologos.
"YES, OBVIOUSLY!" I scream.
"Here you go." says Knologos and drops her.
Sunny is falling.
"SUUUUUUUNNY!" I cry while trying to catch her.
All of a sudden, as if some sort of deity heard my plead, a water wave emerged from the ground and rose to the top, catching Sunny, and then slowly descending back to the ground, leaving Sunny unharmed.
"Sunny!" I run to her and hug her tightly.
"You're welcome." Leonie grins.
Leonie did this? She saved my sister.
"T-thank you..." I say happily.
"..." Knologos is quiet.
"HAAAAAH...YAAAAAH!" Cookie charged towards the distracted Knologos and punched him in the face.
Cookie had managed to make her legs really long, so she could go up to the sky and ambush the levitating Knologos. It must be a new skill of hers. She can now grow her limbs and not just her whole body.
Cookie's legs started shortening themselves again to the point where they are back to their regular size.
"Amazing, girl!" cheers Fault.
"..." Floof sighs.
She seems a bit aloof, I wonder if she's okay.
I've only now come to the cognition that Agent Asia Lone and James Madison evacuated everyone except for the students of Class 34, we are the only ones who decided to stay and fight. I guess we really are a powerful bunch.
"Oh no..." mumbles Echo. "It's happening again...we really have to kill him if we don't manage to somehow soothe him."
"B-but we can't-" protests Sunny.
"He literally just dropped you from the sky! He doesn't care about you!" says Fault. "He's going to go berserk!"
"He already has, my lullaby isn't working on him, only on his father." says Joe sadly.
"It's okay, you tried." comforts Tron.
"We should try getting rid of Kairkaids, first." says Mujunii.
"Good, let's do it together!" smiles Isabella.
"I'll help." says Rain. "Mujunii, get a whirl of wind, I'll freeze it. Isabella, try to hypnotize Kairkaids as much as possible, so he doesn't dodge it, alright?"
"Understood, Ma'am!" says Isabella enthusiastically as her eyes start glowing purple. "For Kitty!"
"I haven't heard that name in a while, count me in." says Sweet. "I'll cut his joints with my scythes."
"Quick!" says Fault. "I'm sorry I can't do anything but heal, I feel so useless. However, I still must ask of you to hurry it up! Zoom is about to get squished by Kairkaids's millions of tentacles!"
That's right. Zoom is trying to distract Kairkaids as much as possible, so we can strike. However, Zoom's fatigue will soon cause him to make a mistake, which would also be his last.
"Kairkaids is refracted, do it now!" shouts Sid.
"Alright!" shouts Rain. "Let's do this!"
All of a sudden, a lot of wind gets summoned by Mujunii, making it difficult to stand. The next second, the wind gets turned to ice, while Mujunii quickly gathered substances to support the weight and throw it against Kairkaids.
"URGH!" he screams in agony.
"I'll teleport you!" says Tron to Sweet.
Sweet then gets teleported by Tron below his feet. Sweet takes out her skeleton-scythe and cuts Kairkaids's ankles.
"YOU LITTLE-" Kairkaids's eyes start glowing purple as he falls to his knees. "N-NOOO!"
Isabella is trying her best to control him.
"Speed it up!" she bellows. "He's hard to hypnotize!"
Mujunii and Rain repeat their attack by gathering wind, freezing it, and then throwing it at Kairkaids.
"Someone, lift me up!" shouts Sweet.
"Understood!" says Tron as he teleports away and brings Cookie.
Cookie grows her own legs while grabbing Sweet so she can cut Kairkaid's wrists and tentacles.
"AAARGH!" Kairkaid's fell to the ground completely.
"Good job!" Cookie compliments Sweet.
I suppose this time things won't repeat themselves. The end of the world won't come. This timeline is even better, because now we are all working together and communicating with each other. It feels like we are all really close as a class.
Unfortunately, Mia won't see this. She won't even be remembered. At least we managed to defeat Kairkaids. I'm sure everyone else from Class 34 who passed away will understand us if we try to continue living happily. I will never forget anyone who died or left us. I'm not even sure if Fifty and Johnny are still alive, or Moss. They are all just...gone. Ms. Cat also disappeared. And the rest are deceased. I just wish we could at least regain Knologos. I really miss him. This...villain in front of us...that isn't the true Knologos. The real him wouldn't give up like this, he would never put everyone in danger. Because the real Knologos is kind. He loves his kin and friends. And I will bring him back. I don't want to lose anyone anymore. We will end this.
"Kairkaids is down!" cheers Isabella.
"I will peck his eyes out." chirps Matei in his bird form as he flies towards Kairkaids.
"Any last words?" asks Sweet relentlessly.
Kairkaids looks at her and says, "Fuck you."
Sweet cut his neck off.
"I'm too late, oh well." sighs Matei.
Suddenly, Kairkaids's body starts boiling.
"Huh?" Sweet is confused.
"Take cover!" shouts Tron as he teleports away with Cookie.
"Hey, you forgot me!" hisses Sweet.
Kairkaids's body exploded. Black liquid landed everywhere. Sweet and Matei are covered in it.
"Gross!" shouts Sweet.
There is a pool of black-blood everywhere.
"I'll wash it away." says Leonie as she cleans Sweet, Matei and the whole area with her water magic.
"Knologos." says Sunny. "Your father is gone now, he won't control you anymore."
"...why are you being so nice to me?" asks Knologos. "I almost killed you. If it weren't for Leonie, you would have died."
"Nah," says Tron. "I would have just teleported her."
"And I would have used my mirror!" says Sid.
"And I would have resurrected-" Fault stops. "Nevermind, I forgot that I don't have that power anymore."
"Haha." Joe laughs.
"..." Floof still seems demure.
"Oh, just shut up." Knologos doesn't want to listen. "I don't care anymore about what happens next. What difference will it make anyway?"
"A lot!" says Sunny desperately. "Please retreat. We can still work things out. We are friends after all."
"Friends...heh." Knologos facepalms. "I suppose that's true."
"Y-yeah!" Sunny smiles. "How about we get your mother and all live together! We can leave Ambermoor and find a nice resting place and start anew. What'd you think?"
"...I don't know how to return to my homeland...my father was the one who used some kind of spell to reduce the lightyears." frowns Knologos. "I will never see her ever again. I won't get closure, whether she succumbed to her illness or not, she will die without me. Additionally, I won't be able to mourn my deceased sister at her grave anymore..."
"Knologos..." Sunny feels empathetic towards him.
"It all seems pointless to me. The only people who truly cared about me are either gone or too far away. And the ones who mistreated me took advantage of me and turned me into a monstrosity." Knologos looks at the remains of his father.
"We still care about you." comforts Sunny. "Please come down and-"
"Could you stop!?" Knologos rages. "Why are you so desperate to get me back? I am not your old Knologos anymore, because there never was one! I am a nobody!"
"You aren't a nobody!" Sunny disagrees. "You are someone to me!"
Knologos laughs, "Would you accept a murderer like me on your team? As if. I killed Diva."
"Huh!?" Isabella gasps. "I thought Nerdy killed him?!"
"True..." Mujunii is bemused.
"Nerdy was just a pawn. She helped but didn't kill him. Didn't Fifty tell you?" asks Knologos.
"Fifty knew?! He never told us!" Fault is shocked. "He just left and never returned..."
"I...what?" Joe is bewildered.
"Whatever," Knologos rolls his eyes. "I am a murderer, I am not a real friend. So give up, Sunny."
"Who cares?" says Sunny. "Kart also killed Stellar and nobody cared! He didn't even get arrested!"
Suddenly I feel sick. I see Stellar in front of me. The victim of my doing.
"Hey!" hisses Floof. "Don't drag Stellar into this."
"I'm sorry, but you get the point." says Sunny.
"No, we don't." says Sid. "Diva was our friend. You forgive Knologos for killing him?"
"That's right." says Zoom. "Diva needs justice."
"..." Sunny frowns.
"Hehe." Knologos starts laughing. "HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHA!"
"I-" Isabella clings onto Mujunii. "You're creeping us out! Stop being weird!"
"You're right, Isabella." says Knologos. "I should stop playing around and do what I came here for."
"W-wait, that's not what I was referring to-" Isabella is pale.
"Shit-" Fault grabs her black hair. "We're done for."
"Not again, please..." begs Echo.
"I'm sorry, everyone." proclaims Knologos. "But it's for the best this sorrowful Universe gets put to rest. Good riddance, everyone. It's been fun."
I can already see the white light blind me. The second end is coming. We couldn't save everyone after all. It was all for nothing.
"W-wha-!?" Fault is gasping.
She probably thinks this is the first end, since she doesn't remember the previous end of everything, since she died in the process.
"KART!" Rain is shaking me. "Wake up! It's not the end of the world! It's Floof!"
"F-Floof?" I open my eyes and scrutinize a girl amidst white light. It's Floof. She's floating in front of Knologos.
"FLOOF, BABY! BE CAREFUL!" Fault screams worriedly.
"This is scary!" Sid and Tron hug.
"Hey, I want a hug too!" cries Zoom.
"Woaaah..." Joe is impressed by this sensational scenery.
"Knologos." Floof looks like an angel. "I shall interfere in your doing."
She puts her hand on Knologos's cheek. Suddenly, a light beam appears.
"Reincarnation of Knologos..." shouts Floof with all her might. "...shall commence!"
More light appears around Knologos and Floof, making it impossible for us to look at them. It's like looking straight at the sun.
We hear Floof shrieking creepily as the white light disappears instantaneously.
Everything is quiet. Floof lands on her feet while carrying something.
"Where is Knologos!?" Sunny looks around frantically.
"Here." Floof turns around, smiling at us in sorrow. "He's in my arms...reborn as a human."
We all look into Floof's arms and startle.
There...is a baby. Knologos is a baby. He...he...he was reincarnated as a human.
"I...I am unsure of what to say." says Sweet.
"This is so...so..." Fault is speechless.
"Anticlimactic?" helps Floof.
"Exactly! I mean, not really. Just surprising." corrects Fault.
"Is this...Knologos?" asks Mujunii. "Why is he a baby?"
"I reincarnated him into a human. He was an alien before." says Floof calm.
She seems weary.
"There was not enough time to get rid of him, so I reincarnated him." says Floof. "After all, he's still our friend. And now, he can start anew."
"W-wait." I say. "Does that mean he forgot everything that happened?"
"Exactly." says Floof upset. "He is amnesiac. So he will live life again with a fresh new start and no worries."
"That's...terrible!" shouts Sunny. "His mother will die! Additionally...I...I can't bear the fact seeing him again, knowing that he doesn't remember anything!"
"Better than dead, right?" says Floof sternly.
"..." Sunny nods sadly.
"...so...he isn't dangerous anymore?" asks Matei.
"Nope," says Floof. "Since he isn't an extraterrestrial anymore, he won't have any tentacles or stuff that he received from outer space."
"Will he grow up looking the same as we remember him?" asks Rain.
"I don't think so. His human version was just a disguise. His real look was his alien one. So he will grow up differently." ascertains Floof.
"K-Knologos..." Sunny cries. "WAAAAAAAAAH!! I MISS YOU!"
"S-Sunny!" Fault stutters. "Gimme the baby!"
Fault snatches Baby Knologos from Floof's arms and hands him over to the crying Sunny.
"He will make you feel better! It's still Knologos, remember?" asserts Fault.
"T-thanks..." Sunny sobs and hugs Baby Knologos.
"At least Diva is at rest now, I think." says Joe. "Does this mean we are done? Did we defeat the evil?"
"Yes, Joe." I concur. "This is the end of our suffering...

...we are free now."

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