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I'm high up in the sky. I can feel the cold and fresh air. It's the middle of winter. I haven't thought much about it until now, but the Earth looks so precious covered in snow. It's like our planet is hibernating. A lot of animals do the same, but unfortunately us humans cannot, or we'd die. I wish we could hibernate. I wouldn't worry about anything else. I'd be stuck in a timeless galaxy.
I am not sure why, but I feel guilt. Blameworthy because I abandoned my friends in the middle of a meaningful journey. Kart and Sunny were trying to find their family. Their friends and some other people tagged along, including myself. Do I consider myself a friend? No. But do I think about what I have done? Yes.
The moment Posa had asked me to escort him and his squad to London, was when my plan started working out perfectly. I could fly to London while being under protection. There was nothing to worry about. However, so much happened in between. We came across some creepy mutant colossal that menacingly could have made humanity go extinct. Funny though, the colossus was a friend of Kart in the end. What a plot twist.
In the beginning I thought I could just go bring them to London and go find my father normally. But sadly, my inner self started feeling empathy for the others. It hasn't been the first time I talked to them. I recall meeting Kart and some others first in the cafeteria, when we were hiding from this psycho nurse. Afterwards, I was put on probation with some others in some kind of interrogation room. Just because I had the same blood type as the killer. It was anticlimactic, because in the end the murderer turned out to be Zoe, and we killed her. That's also when I met Knologos. At first I thought he was a jerk. Which is true, but I'm not any better. I just hate humans, everything sucks. Why can't I just do what I want. My father sent me to this valley in Ireland nine years ago so I could get my education. Until this day I don't know why in Ireland, and not here in England, so close to London. Perhaps it was because magic isn't all that well-known here. Or maybe because I never had a mother.
I think about them a lot, about the people I came to London with. Tokyo is in a coma with Zach and Kristina taking care of her. And the others...I am not sure what they are up to. They probably just continued their adventure peacefully, which is understandable. I just wanted them to know that I couldn't go on further. I have my own unsuccessful life and unfinished business to deal with. So here I am, in front of the street that leads to my father's coffee shop.
I arrived at my destination. I jump off my small cloud and make it evaporate into thin air.
The area here looks really lonely. The last time I was here was a very long time ago. I don't remember much.
I start pondering and walking towards a familiar direction. The whole street seems empty. All the shops and houses are frayed, and in general, it seems this hasn't been taken care of in years.
I start worrying. Will I find my Dad's? What if I don't? I just wanted to leave Ambermoor and live with him again. I learned everything I needed to, I am a grown young woman. I am 19, I am ready to face my fears.
In the distance I finally discover it. I see the outline of the coffee shop.
I am home, Father.

"K'lani." Gilbert Evergood pats his young daughter's head. "What are you doing?"
"Drawing." she answers. "You and me."
K'lani is sitting on a stool at the counter of Gilbert's Coffee Shop. Her father is behind the counter, taking up orders of customers, as usual. It's his own business, he doesn't have any helping hands, the place isn't that big either.
"Father, Father!" K'lani hops off the stool and reaches for her father's attention. "Can you hang this up for me?"
"K'lani, dear." he seems a little bit stressed. "I will, in a minute."
"But why not now?" asks the little K'lani. "Don't you like it?"
"I do! But my customers-"
"Oh, it's fine!" a client laughs. "She's a sweet little rascal, isn't she?"
K'lani giggles after hearing a funny man say that.
"Hun, don't say that. Kids don't understand irony." a second man lectures his husband.
"Hey, girl." a third person, a woman, asks K'lani something. "Do you look up to your daddy?"
"Yes!" K'lani smiles widely. "I love him! He means the world to me! I want to gift him my gratitude!"
"Aww, what a well-behaved and educated young girl! He must be very proud of you." the woman smirks and takes a sip from her drink.
"Yes, I am." Gilbert, the father, is acclaimed in his dignity. "K'lani is the best that happened to me. Come, let's hang it up."
Gilbert Evergood softly grabs his daughter's hand and walks to the back of the counter to attach the drawing K'lani had drawn to the wall.
"Look how beautiful it is!" Gilbert laughs. "Now all my customers will see how talented you are!"
K'lani smiles gratefully.

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