The Fox in Ambermoor

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"Do you like my makeup? I put some extra thick powder on my face to look like a queen!" Vanessa looks at her hand-mirror and touches her face with a pompom.
"You look like a clown." mumbles Sunny unidentifiable.
"Did you say something?" asks Vanessa confused.
"No, I'm just annoyed that because of your Beast Creation power, mud is all over my face!" says Sunny. "You didn't have to overdo yourself like that..."
"Mud is good for your skin!" Vanessa defends herself.
Sunny sighs and looks at the black building. She's sitting on the hill with Vanessa, since she doesn't have anyone else to talk to right now, and observes the headquarters of The Order of the Graceful Eternity. Nothing has happened lately, or at all. There haven't been any Black Fog Sightings, nor any black liquid dripping from the impenetrable windows. Sunny still remembers what the soldiers reported, but she's starting to believe they were just hallucinating. It's understandable to start seeing obnoxious things when you are forced to stay guard for so long. However, it still doesn't explain the blue girl who Class 34 and Mr. Redburn saw fall from the skyscraper. Her body evaporated into thin air before she could hit the ground. After that, nothing happened.
Sunny is scared. She has no other choice but to enter that creepy building tomorrow, the building where everything started. She still remembers the time Sweet betrayed them all. In reality she had just been working with Professor Mercury Dirize to catch the black fog. Perhaps the soldiers really did see the black fog wandering around Ambermoor, but who is it looking for?
"Sunny?" Vanessa pokes Sunny. "Are you daydreaming?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah." Sunny is embarrassed.
"Was she beautiful?" Vanessa smirks.
"Anyways, I think our small break is over, ugh." Vanessa stands up and stretches herself. "I miss Karen already."
"Isn't she in Squad 11 Line 4?" asks Sunny curiously as she walks towards the training grounds with Vanessa.
"Yep, and I can't believe she's with that bitch!" Vanessa clenched her fists. "Ouch! My long nails!"
"Uh...who?" Sunny is confused.
"Kana Rudland! That pink haired girl! She thinks she's better than me just because she's pretty! But actually, I think that..."
Sunny smirks. It's been a while since she could have a normal girl talk with someone else. Even if the girl she is gossiping about is Kana, a nice girl who she once met when she was searching for Kart, Sunny is still enjoying this. Vanessa might be weird, but she's not boring.
Sunny listens to Vanessa rant about her girl problems and about missing Karen while they both walk back to the training grounds to continue their last session.
However, Sunny still feels a sting in her heart. If only Kart were here...


"Why did you shave your head?" asks Isabella.
"It's okay." Isabella pats Mia's back. "You don't have to tell me."
"It looks good on you!" says Ximena Deathsorrow, a member of Squad 8.
"Mia always has a different hairstyle every day!" says Isabella enthusiastically.
"Really?!" Stuart Ochestra, another member of Squad 8, gasps.
Mia looks at the black building, "I wonder...was all of this necessary?"
The three others look at her.
"What do you mean, Mia?" asks Isabella.
"All of this brutality...why did it have to happen to us?" Mia is about to cry, but can't. "I only wanted to live a normal life."
"..." Ximena looks at the ground.
"..." Stuart is sorrowful.
"..." and Isabella? She didn't stay quiet. "Mia."
She wraps her arms around Mia's torso and says, "None of us chose to live like this, it's fate that chose for us."
Mia looks at her with big eyes.
"Fate..." sobs Isabella. "Is something horrible..."

"It tears us apart until we can't take it anymore and are left as empty shells traversing the Earth with no goal for the oncoming days."

Isabella lets go of Mia, "That's the harsh reality of our world. It means we can't decide, but what we can do, is try. Because if we tried, we can't regret anything."


"How were your training sessions?" asks Karter.
"It sucked." complains Sunny. "Vanessa kept talking, it made me go insane!"
"Nothing compared to what happened in Sweet and my squad..." Karter takes a bite of lava cake.
Kart, Sunny, Mia, and Sweet are sitting together at a table in the cafeteria. It's filled with people.
"Enough lava cake for everyone!" shouts Staff Personnel Dylan.
"Dylan!" Worker Mr. Steven sighs. "We barely have any food left..."
"And I have so many dishes to wash!" mourns Worker Ms. Coolman.
"I can help you clean." says Janitor Mr. Jack.
"Hm?" Ms. Coolman turns around.
Suddenly, her eyes start sparkling.
"Want me to help you?" says Mr. Jack.
"Y-yes! Come inside!" Ms. Coolman fell in love.
"Thank you." Mr. Jack comes inside and helps clean the dishes.
"I didn't know you were such a flirt, Jack!" smiles Ms. Coolman.
"Huh?" Mr. Jack is confused.
"Oi, stop hitting on men!" Mr. Dylan is annoyed.
The cafeteria personnel seems to be working as hard as ever.
"Ew." Mia looks away. "How come I still haven't found the love of my life?"
"You will." says Sweet motionless. "The school faculty are all adults, so of course they are flirting and wooing each other."
"Sweet, I don't think that's how it works." Sunny is about to upchuck. "Next time just say love affair."
"By the way," says Kart. "Where is Rain?"


"Why were you late?" wonders Marissa. "Did you really have to deal with a loan shark!? I don't know how to pay my debts! I need Kelly!!!"
"It's fine." Rain comforts Marissa. "You won't have to go through insolvencies."
"Oh, that's reassuring." says Marissa. "Also, Aubrey got her leg back. She's resting at the evacuation center now."
"Really? That's great news." Rain seems demolishing. "I hope my roommate is resting there safely too while we work our asses off."
"Huh?" Marissa seems shocked that Rain said such a vulgar word.
"Everyone," Headmaster Doodles catches Squad 1's attention. "Please remember the format that Mr. Nicholas and I presented you. It is highly important for tomorrow's mission."
Squad 1 nods and listens carefully.
"Therefore, we will go through the positions once again." says Professor Nicholas. "Since we are standing on top of the list, we must enter first. You are all some of the strongest students we have."
Headmaster Doodles continues, "I will go in first. We will be using the lowest window in the back of the building. It will most likely still be very dangerous but better than using the door."
Mr. Nicholas nods, "Since Mr. Doodles is immortal, he can withstand any attack that could be fatal while entering the window. In that case, I would be firing several thunders right into the enemy's faces and you all will await your command behind us. If everything goes according to our plan, we might be able to enter the building without getting harmed."
Mr. Doodles continues, "Since we don't have a map of the building from the inside, we have to be extra cautious while trespassing their territory. We will have to make more plans as we progress each floor until we reach the top. The other squads will be following us, but with a greater distance."
"Remember," says Mr. Nicholas. "The goal of this mission is to take down the core of the evil organization."
"Question." Zoom raises his hand. "If I understand this correctly, we enter through the back window altogether? You, Sir, first, and we follow from behind. And after that we have to make another plan when we get inside and aren't faced with any enemies?"
"Exactly," Mr. Doodles nods. "If we are lucky, we will have enough time to explore the inside. However, if we come across enemies, don't hesitate to attack. We have to kill anyone on sight."
"What if the building is filled with black liquid that can kill us? Didn't the soldiers report a substance dripping from the windows?" asks Tiana.
"From our research, we are positive that the building is actually a solid structure that is safe to enter, meaning, we won't get killed by that liquid, but we will most likely come across evil entities that we must take care of." states Headmaster Doodles.
Sid seems worried, "Are you sure the other squads are right behind us to help? And can we trust the other people? And what if this is all a trap!?"
"Calm down," Mr. Doodles smiles. "We are certain everything will go according to the mission. That's why we have 4-Lines and 13 Squads. Line 1 will enter first. Line 2 will come next, and so on."
"Can we use our magic?" asks Matei.
"We haven't detected a magical border, so you will most likely be able to use your powers."
"Finally." mumbles Matei.
"Any more questions before we practice our postures again?" Professor Nicholas looks around.
Rain raises her hand, "Will we make it out alive?"
"I see." Rain looks at the ground. "So this really is a suicide mission. Adults sending defenseless orphans into battle, telling them they would get awarded in the end."
"Just look at me." says Rain. "I am blue. I am covered in some unmeltable ice. I won't be able to go to any normal university outside of Ambermoor. People will think I'm a monster. And I am not the only person who looks different. There are many other cursed humans and mystical creatures here who won't find a life outside of Ambermoor. Rewarding us as prodigy heroes is a lie, isn't it? I am sure none of humanity will ever know about this place, hence this mission we call Grace. We are just ragdolls serving your evil schemes."
Everyone is speechless.
"Don't worry." says Rain. "You broke me too much already, so I won't back out now. My life is ruined enough already. I lost the love of my life and my best friend forever, there is nothing left for me. So what I will do is serve Mission: Grace so my other friends and all these innocent children can lead a normal life. I will get behind this shitty mystery. I want this calamity to stop. I am sick of it all. JUST KILL ME ALREADY!"
Rain falls to her knees and starts crying. Everyone else is standing around her, not knowing what to do. Marissa decides to kneel next to her and pat her back.
Rain looks at Headmaster Jazz Doodles, "You're a great manipulator...

...aren't you, Father of Light."

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