New Enemy

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"Wake up."

"You must get to the bottom of this."

"Find out the truth."

"After all these years... will finally be able to understand."

"Do it for me...


I looked around the place.
I happen to be back in Manora. The last time I was here was when Nerdy shot me with her laser gun. She missed due to Cookie interfering. This might all just be a figment of my imagination, but I think Adrianna was hinting me on something. After I left Manora with Sunny that day, I never returned. I also never saw my diabolical parents ever again. They abandoned their own children.
I never had any friends besides from Sunny and Adrianna. She had disappeared a few weeks before the abandonment of me and Sunny. I never understood why she stopped coming, but due to me landing in this Utopia, I saw her again.
Her face was blurry the last time I was here. I am starting to forget how she even looks like. The same with my cousin and parents.
I'm starting to forget how everybody looks like. My whole family tree is pretty unknown. My only strong bond is with Sunny.
I stood up and found myself lying on top of the hill next to my old home. Adrianna was nowhere to be found. Luckily, I recall her asking me to visit the basement of my old house. The more I think about it, I've never been down there. My parents always locked the door. After the death of my cousin they got even more antisocial with me and Sunny. It wasn't their fault that he died.
I walked through the cherry blossoms and headed towards the villa. I reached the street and took a halt.
The last time I was here in my dream I died.
My own parents killed me. They drove over my body with their red car. After that, I woke up and returned to reality.
I observed the street and nothing caught my eye. There was no blood anywhere, no body, not even a bit of blood or wool on the fence I got stuck in. This really was just a dream. How am I even aware of this? Is this a lucid dream? Is this an outer body experience?
I was only sure that the odyssey I found myself in had to be real. I shouldn't deceive myself anymore. I live in a world full of magic after all.
I crossed the street and stood on the courtyard in front of our mansion. Our house was big and rotten. The wood looked really deceased and the red car was nowhere to be found. The last time I saw the red car was before the last moments of my dream life. Perhaps this was several hours after my parents transported me and Sunny to Ambermoor. It wouldn't explain the cherry blossoms, though. I facepalmed. I forgot that this was only just a dream. Dreams don't make sense.
I shepherded towards the villa and stood in front of the door. The building looks like it had been abandoned for years.
I opened the door, which wasn't locked for some reason, and entered the house. The hallway wasn't that long but it stank, and due to the open door, it was windy. It was nearly impossible to make anything out. However, I took the risk and guided myself through the misty hallway.
Since I was dreaming I didn't care if anything happens to me, so I even ran.
I reached the stairs and had two options; To go up, or to go down.
Without hesitation, I took the stairs and steered myself to the top. I had to visit my room before I would find out the absolute truth about Adrianna.
I walked towards a door that had a sign on it: Kart
This was, without a doubt, the door to my former room. I inhaled some oxygen and exhaled it deeply before I entered it with all the courage I had. When I opened my room I saw an open window and my curtain was fluttering wildly. The shadow of the window looked down upon my small room, and for a second, I saw a silhouette of someone looking outside of the window.

Someone stood there.

I wanted to run as fast as I could but my legs were bound to the floor. I was trembling insanely.
I couldn't run.
This felt like a nightmare. Those types where bad people chase you and you cannot escape them no matter what. You get slower and slower and they come closer and closer. In the end, when they reach you, you wake up or die.
"You didn't forget me, did you?"
The person turned around. I couldn't see who it was due to them standing in the shadow.
"If you forgot about me..."
They paused for a second.
"...then I will be HELLA MAD!"
The voice was manly, and before I knew it, he jumped out of the shadow and ran into my direction.
My legs worked again and I ran. I had trouble running but I had to escape from this nightmare. I can't let him touch me.
He was right behind me.
I stumbled upon something on the floor. The hindrance was my diary.
He got me.

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