Chapter 9

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I was 99,9% sure that I didn’t hear him well. I had absolutely no idea what to say. Surprisingly, he didn’t seem nervous at all. He was just sitting accros me and nonchalantly drinking his champagne.

“I’m not sure how to respond on that.” I admitted, feeling hot and sweaty. He was really making me feel awkward in his presence.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position.” he pulled back immediately.

“It’s fine.” I quickly jumped to another subject, so I could avoid that uncomfortable silence that would definitely appear. “I uh, was pretty moody these days and I got in a fight with Perrie over a nothing. She was listening to Zayn’s part in Little Things for the millionth time and I kinda freaked out about it. It wasn’t really polite from me.”

Harry laughed and after taking another sip of his champagne, nodded. “I can completely understand what are you talking about. Zayn’s even worse.”

“Really?” I asked, interested.

“All of us know every single word in DNA. I even heard Niall singing it yesterday, while he was looking for something to eat in the kitchen. It was hilarious. And whenever somebody complains about Louis, he always says “It’s in my DNA” and then continues with whatever he was doing.”

I could totally imagine Niall and Louis the way he described them and I couldn’t help myself then burst in laugh. It was weird to know that Zayn is acting the same as Perrie.

“So, tell me, why were you moody these days?” he wanted to know and I stopped, quickly thinking of what should I say.

The main reason was him. Those were the days when I discovered that I actually like him a bit and I was pretty nervous about it and then I haven’t seen him for a long time and got even more nervous. How the hell could I say something like that?

“Honestly? I can’t respond on that. Too personal.” I said.

“If you don’t want to tell me something, it’s ok. I won’t pressure you.” he said, watching me with his green eyes. These eyes were magic, I swear.

Tonight, he had a navy blue shirt which suited him perfectly. His arms looked incredibly muscular and the shirt was wrapped around his torso, pointing out his perfection.

No wonder that hostess was drooling over him. He was extremely good looking.

His shirt sleeves were tucked and on a left wrist he had a big, black watch. It was very elegant and looked expensive. Not that he couldn’t afford it, now.

Below his watch I noticed something that looked like a scar. At first, I thought that I didn’t see well, but after a couple more of staring, I realized I was right.

Maybe it was  champagne that wouldn’t let me think properly, but the next thing I know – my hand is on his, my fringer touching his scar.

He was extremely surprised, but he didn’t pull back his hand. I did. I was embarrassed and I didn’t know what was I thinking. People are very vulnerable and sensitive about their scars.

“I’m sorry.”  I quickly said.

“It’s okay Jade, it doesn’t bother me.” he said, making an eye contact with me again.

I was trying to figure out wheter he was saying the truth or not, but the champagne was making it really hard. Note to myself: never drink anything except water in front of Harry.

Not that he was a saint or something, but if only one glass can get me to chatty Jade, then what will possibly slip out of my mouth after 2 or 3 glasses?

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