Chapter 4

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Harry’s POV

So here I was, sitting in this hot projection room with no air conditioning, watching this incredibly stupid movie which Niall seem to worship at the moment and admiring the fact that I still didn’t give up and left.

The reason why I didn’t do that, even though I desperately wanted to, was sitting next to me, eating her biscuits and talking to Liam. She was gorgeous tonight, wearing just a pair of tight jeans and white top, with white converse shoes on her feet.

Whole evening was just awkward and I had a feeling that all of this was happening to somebody else. First, I went to a club with that girl I met yesterday and after making out with her and a couple of drinks, I completely lost any interest for her and while she was in a toilet, I went home.

Then, on my way home, I get a call from Liam, telling me that they’re all in cinema watching some action movie and asking me to join them, after hearing what happened that night.

Of course, I knew that Little Mix girls were with them and as much as I wanted to avoid Jade, I didn’t want to spend night watching TV and eating pizza alone. Liam was waiting for me outside and as soon as we entered the projection room, I knew I didn’t make a good choice.

But as soon as I opened my mouth to say that I changed my mind, those big Bambi eyes trapped me and in a moment, I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t explain to myself how can this one girl cause such a reaction to my body.

I said hi and moved to Niall, so I could sit as far as I could from her. In that moment, that idiot moved to the next seat, leaving me with no choice than to sit on his spot, which was between him and Jade. And that was exactly what I wanted to avoid.

I even considered going to sit on Niall’s left side, but I would surely offend Jade with that. Not having any choice, I decided to focus on movie and ignore everything around me, but after just 5 minutes of watching that shit, I gave up.

“What the hell is this, Liam? I thought you said it was an action movie.” I said angrily watching him with that silly hat that Niall made him wear. The purpose of wearing masks was to not be recognized, not to look like a circus.

I knew I was acting as an asshole, plus I interrupted him while he was talking to Jade, but I had that bad habit of not paying attention to anything  except myself.

Liam stopped talking, but before he could answer, Jade slowly turned her head, her eyes meeting mine again and said with no hesitation “Liam was talking.”

This was the first time I saw her being rude to anyone and I was more than stunned. Not even waiting for my response, she turned back to Liam and said “Continue, please.”

Liam, who was also in shock, continued with his story. I waited for him to finish and then I asked her, irritated “Am I now allowed to talk, mother?” . “Yes, you may speak now.” she said not even looking at me.

This made me even more furious, but I decided to ignore her. While I was talking to Liam about some plans for tomorrow, movie has finally finished and lights were turned-on.

“Quick, cover yourself Harry!” said Liam in a loud whisper. I grabbed my jackait and turned around to see where’s Niall, only to find him snoring on his seat. “Great.” I muttered to myself, picking him up and carrying him out.

Zayn started laughing as soon as I got out of the damn cinema and came to help me with Niall. Perrie was standing besides us and quietly singing DNA to herself. She always seemed absent whenever Zayn didn’t talk to her, which was a little bit weird.

We put Niall in our van and then decided that Liam should drive, ‘cause I took a couple of drinks before and Zayn could barely concentrate on anything when Perrie was with him, so we didn’t want to risk.

I wanted to be on the front seat with Liam, but that would mean leaving Jade with love birds and snoring Niall. After all, my mum did teach me to be a gentleman.

To be honest, cheeky Harry wasn’t a gentleman at all, but somehow even that cheeky Harry didn’t want to be disliked by Jade. Zayn and Perrie were laughing, kissing, taking photos together and singing to each other.

They were a true reflection of a young, madly in love couple and Zayn even sang her his part in our new-to-be song Little Things, which nobody else except us and Ed Sheeran knew. Watching them together, I realized how much I wanted that all.

But I couldn’t have that, because to act like that, you have to feel something. And I, Harry Styles, didn’t feel anything at all. Except for a girl who was sitting in a car with me, but I still wasn’t sure about that.

I liked her and she was driving me crazy in the same time. How could that even be possible? I touched my pockets, in order to find my phone, remembering that Lou sent me a message and he has probably been waiting ages for an answer, but I couldn’t find it.

Shit. I must’ve forgot it in that stupid projection room and now some fangirl is probably posting my naked pictures on twitter or something. Not that I had any, I was just being over-dramatic.

“Looking for something?” a soft voice from my left asked. My phone was in Jade’s hand, who was playing with her hair with her eyebrows raised in amusement.

She had it for the whole time, but she was playing with me. Waiting for my reaction, to be precise. I realized that my first impression of Jade was wrong. Terribly wrong.

She wasn’t some little cutie with Bambi eyes, cookies, rainbows and ponnies – or at least she was on the outside. But on the inside, she was a girl with strong attitude, a person who handles the situation, not the otherwise.

I had to admit, I underestimated her. “You had it all along, didn’t you?” I said, taking my phone from her hand. Our fingers touched and we both moved our hands in the same moment, fast enough for my phone to fall.

I quickly lifted it up and checked for any scratches, but thank god, everything was ok. “You’re lucky I even gave it to you now, after everything tonight, you didn’t deserve to get it back.” she said quietly, with anger in her every word.

“You have no right to tell me what I do deserve, or what I don’t deserve. And you have no right to steal my things when I’m not looking.” I said, clenching my teeth.

You see what I meant? In one moment, our fingers touched and I felt it like an electricity, that chemistry and attraction between us. But in another, I was  hissing at her with my teeth clenched.

“What is going on?” Perrie asked suddenly. We must’ve been so loud if we managed to made them pay attention at anything, except each other. “Nothing.” we answered in unison.

I was so furious because of that idiot, that I went straight to my room and slammed my door. I knew I was acting like a little kid, but I couldn’t help it. On one side, it was good that I had a chance to see him like this, because this was the real Harry Styles.

I couldn’t fool myself more now, when I saw his behaviour tonight. I just wish I didn’t feel what I did on the beginning, actually believing that I could like that guy. He was one rich, spoiled brat and I hated the way he was treating Liam.

Of course, Liam wouldn’t get mad, but he was such a goodie, I felt like I had to defend him. And the thing with his phone? I’ve never stolen his phone,  it fell from his pocket, while he was picking up Niall, so I practically saved him from potentional disaster – it would be priceless for papz.

It had his private photos, inbox full of messages and other stuff. So, at least he could’ve said thank you. But no, he was yelling at me. I didn’t know what to feel anymore.

While he was taking his phone, our fingers touched. I instantly blushed and moved my hand, having stronger feelings than ever in my life.

I quickly changed into the PJs and after brushing my teeth, I jumped on my big and comfy bed, covering myself with my favourite blanket. One thing was certain: I was tired as hell, but Harry hasn’t left my thoughts for one second that night.

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