Chapter 2

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Harry’s POV

“What was that about?” Liam asked as soon as we entered our car. “What are you talking about, Liam?” I asked, pretending to be confused. I knew what he meant , but I decided to ignore it.

“I’m talking about Jade. Why were you touching her cheek?” he asked, looking me straight into the eyes. The minute he mentionted Jade, everybody in the car payed attention. Even the driver.

“Why is that any of your business?” I asked impolitely. I didn’t want to be mean to one of my best friends, but he was making such a big deal out of this, while I wanted to get unnoticed with this. Even I didn’t know why I did it.

We were just greeting girls and in one second I’m joking with Leigh-Anne and in another I’m touching Jade’s cheek. I’ve always had a strange relationship with them, to be honest.

Perrie was ok, she was making Zayn very happy and for that I respected her. Jesy always looked like their mother and I always felt awkward around her. Leigh-Anne was cool and I always talked to her the most, ‘cause she was fun and crazy. Jade was just … Jade.

She was so small and she reminded me of Bambi sometimes. She was also weird and she lived in her own world, so I never spoke to her more than two seconds. Liam and Niall were usually the ones that talked to her.

She never caught my attention and I was completely fine with that. But today, something was different. True, she was the same Jade as always – her purple hair was all over her face even though she had it tied in a pony tail, she was wearing some crazy, yellow hoodie that didn’t suit her body at all and she was eating a biscuit, but that was the first time I noticed how beautiful she is.

It was the first time I noticed her foxy little face, her big brown eyes, her full lips. And you know what is the most ironic thing? She wasn’t wearing any make-up. The girls that I noticed usually wore their make-up 24/7.

“Don’t be a jackass Harry, we’re talking to you. Stop pretending like you can’t hear us.” Zayn said from the front seat. I sighed and decided to apologize to Liam. “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on with me this morning.”

Liam rolled his eyes and smiled. “It’s okay, Haz.” he said and I knew he was saying the truth. He really had a heart of  gold. After all I didn’t want to argue with him over a girl. Especially, over Jade. She wasn’t worth it.

The moment we returned home I changed into sweats and some old t-shirt I used to wore and placed myself in front of our plasma TV. I was watching some culinary show for less than ten minutes, when Jesy showed up.

“Finally trying to learn how to cook?” she asked when she saw what was on TV, raising an eyebrow. “Not really.” I answered, switching to cartoons that Perrie and I loved to watch.

“What’s with you today, Jadey? You’re acting so weird. I mean, more than usual.” Jesy sat next to me and started playing with my hair. She knew I loved that and it was really calming my nerves at the moment.

“I don’t know, I guess it’s just not my day.” I said leaning my head on hers. I felt bad for lying Jesy, but if I told her the truth it would mean like I care about today’s event much more than I actually do.

“If you’re not feeling like going out tonight  I won’t go, either. We could order some pizza or buy bunch of ice-cream and watch movies together or something like that!” this is why I loved Jesy so much. She is that type of person that will try to cheer you up, no matter what. But something in her words caught my attention.

“Tonight? What’s happening tonight?” I asked confused, thinking that I probably forgot some important event. “You haven’t heard? Boys have invited us to join them in that new club tonight. Perrie’s been picking her outfit, while we were still in the car.”

After thinking for a minute, I decided that I won’t go. I wasn’t in the mood for clubs tonight, I just wanted a peaceful evening. “If you’re looking forward to it, you should go. Don’t stay just because of me. I’ll find a way to amuse myself, tonight. “

The truth was, I really wanted her to stay with me tonight. I loved spending time with Jesy. “Nah, I’d rather have a slumber party with my Jadey.” she said and hugged me.

“Fine, but I’m picking the movie.”

Harry’s POV

The boys and I were at that new club and after two minutes of being here, I realized I love this place. I was surrounded by girls, tons of them, alcohol and amazing music. It was a rare thing for me to like this kind of music, but I was in a good mood tonight.

In one moment, I started dancing around. I was an average dancer, when you are in a boyband you have no choice when it comes to that, although I wasn’t as good as Liam. That kid was talented.

I wasn’t dancing alone more than a minute or two, when four girls approached me. “Hi Harry, we’re your biggest fans!” said one of them and winked. I just smiled. After being on X Factor and being one fifth of the most popular boyband in the world currently, I didn’t have any problem with girls.

After an hour of having fun at the dance floor, girls and I moved to a comfortable black couch in the corner. We were just about to play any game that included drinking, when something caught my attention.

Black, wild hair. Cocky, red lips. Big boobs. Yeah, that was definitely Leigh-Anne. And behing her I saw Zayn hugging Perrie. Shit. One of the girls was giving me a lap dance and I harshly pushed her off of me, my eyes scanning for one person. Jade.

There was a crowd around our booth and from my spot I could barely see anything. I stood up and went straight to our booth. “What’s going on?” I asked Niall.

He seemed surprised to see me. “Oh, the girls joined us. We invited them, remember?” his Irish accent sounded weird from everything I drank tonight. I couldn’t even remember my last name, but I didn’t tell him that. Instead, I just nodded.

Then I remembered the reason why I came, so I asked him about Jade and Jesy. “Perrie said Jade wasn’t feeling well, so Jesy stayed with her.” Niall explained and took a sip of his beer.

Jade wasn’t feeling well? My drunken mind was processing this information over and over. Somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around, meeting face to face with a really hot girl.

My eyes were on her flawless figure, when she took my hand. I could lie and say that I wasn’t disappointed because Jade wasn’t here. Hell, I didn’t even know why I felt this way.

But, let’s face it – she wasn’t here and this incredibly good looking girl obviously wanted me. What could I ask for more?

I followed her trough the crowd, turning off my thoughts and feelings and switching to heartless, cheeky Harry. Because you just can’t be a heartbreaker and let your feelings control you. Right?

A/N: In this chapter I decided to write a litte bit more of Harry's POV, so you could understand his view of this and see it as I imagined. I hope you enjoy it and like it, as much as I do. :) 

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