Chapter 21

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My heart was pounding in my chest. It was raining and I was outside, standing on the parking lot. Harry Styles has just told me that he loves me. My world just turned upside down.

Usually, this was the moment when I run away. I once fell on that “I love you” lie and long ago I promised that I’d never do something like that to myself again. I guess I was just scared. Scared to open myself to someone again, scared to love again.

But, there was something different this time. I don’t know why, but it just felt right hearing those 3 words that always scared the hell out of me. Deep inside of me I was panicking ofcourse, but I didn’t feel the urge to run away from him.

We stood there in silence, getting more and more wet as the minutes passed. I was supposed to say “I love you” back, right? But, something inside of me just couldn’t let me say that. I was scared and my emotions were a complete mess. I didn’t want to say those words just like that. I wanted to say them and to mean it.

“Jade, I don’t expect you to say it back. I just wanted to let you know how I feel.” his wet curls were sticked to his forehead and he brushed them off with his long fingers. “C’mon let’s go inside, we’ll both get sick.”

“Inside?” I asked, as he took my hand. I was expecting him to fall on his knees and start shouting “She can talk!” but ofcourse, he didn’t.

“This is my flat.” he explained, taking off his jacket and putting it on my shoulders. “Can you walk in those? I can carry you, if you want.” he offered, pointing at my high heels.

“No, thanks, I’m fine.” I replied, quickly following him to the building. He took out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door of the building. It was really warm inside and we left wet marks on the floor as soon as we entered.

We entered the elevator and he pressed the button for 9th floor. It was the first time that Harry took me to see his appartment. To be honest, even he didn’t spend much time in it, ‘cause he was either at my place or at Louis’.

We stopped holding each other’s hands when we entered the elevator and I suddenly felt an urge to touch him. I wanted to hug him and put my head on his chest. But I didn’t know if he was offended or even mad at me, so I didn’t want to risk.

He caught my look and it was like he read my mind or something – he spread his arms and I fell into them. It was a wonderful feeling to be so close to him again. I was breathing in his scent, as we embraced each other.

He lifted my chin with his index finger, leavng slow, gentle kisses on my lips. I moved my hands from his body to his face, taking the control, as I kissed him back. Our tongues touched, his large hands were in my hair.

The elevator stopped and door opened, making us separate, even though there was nobody in the hall. Harry took my hand again and led me to the door of his flat.

He unlocked the door and I entered, absorbing every single detail. His flat was perfectly arranged, everything seemed expensive and new, so I assumed that he hired someone to do it for him. But there were few details that were in Harry’s, unique style.

The floor was soaked because we were completely wet and I felt uncomfortable. What was I thinking? I come to his place completely wet, even though he doesn’t have any dry clothes for me. I should’ve asked him to drive me home. Or he should have let me go.

I felt his hand on my back, its warmness making me shiver. I turned around, my eyes meeting his.

“I’m sorry for the floor.” I managed to say, his green orbs distracting me.

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