Chapter 25

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“Jade! Jade, over here!”

I turned around just to notice another group of girls, not far from our spot, waving and hysterically calling our names.

I waved at them and they screamed. I couldn’t help, but laugh. It took so little to make them happy. Perrie squeezed my hand and I turned my head to look at her. She was in an adorable pink sweater which made her purple hair stand even more out.

“Don’t worry Jade, you’ll get used to it!” Danielle said, giving me a reassuring smile.

We were at 1D gig tonight and Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie and I were together along with some of their staff like Lou Teasdale, who did their hair, in a special place for us. Fans were absolutely ecstatic as soon as they saw us together.

“Eleanor! I love you Eleanor, you’re beautiful!” they kept screaming, as we waited for concert to begin.

“Oh my god, Perrie. This is absolutely crazy. I’ve never had so many people staring at me in the same time.” I said as the whole arena kept watching our every move.

Just when I thought I was about to faint, boys have finally appeared on the stage. As soon as they started singing, I relaxed a bit. Perrie and Eleanor knew every word of their songs and it kind of made me feel like an outsider, but I forgot about it when Harry saw me and blew me a kiss.

Everybody in the arena screamed and I blushed so badly. The whole concert was amazing, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Harry. He was fascinating me with his every move, smile and look. And when he sang, I felt like we were alone and he was singing just for me.

Man, I really fell for him.

Later that night, when the concert was over, we were laying in bed, in his flat and just talking. His head was on my stomach, as he played with my fingers and  was leaving a trail of kisses on my forearm.

“Can I ask you something?” he said, all of a sudden.


“How many relationships did you have before me?” he asked, without letting my hands, even for a second.

As soon as I heard this, my body tensed and because his head was on my stomach, he felt it. He turned his head to look me straight into the eyes and I did my best to stay calm.

I hated being asked about my past relationship. I had nothing except bad memories and I was still having nightmares because of it, so I clearly didn’t want to talk about it and torture myself even more.

If it was anyone else, I would probably make an excuse or just directly say that I don’t want to talk about it. But it was Harry, my Harry and I loved him. Somehow I wanted to tell him about my past, but somehow I didn’t in the same time.

“I, um, had only one relationship before you.” I started.

“I thought you’d say something like that. You don’t seem like a girl who dated who ever she saw. Were you in love with him?” he wanted to know.

“Ofcourse.” I replied, just wanting to finish with this. I felt like I was about to throw up any moment.

He didn’t say anything, but I knew he was waiting for me to start talking again.

“It was a … bad relationship. For me, mostly. Now when I look at it, I can’t even remember how did I fall in love with him. He was completely wrong for me. And everybody was trying to tell me that, but I, refused to listen. I loved him, I didn’t want to see that.”

“Go on.” he encouraged me, holding my hands in his and giving me a reassuring look.

“He was mistreating me in many ways. He would get drunk and insult me in front of our friends, he always complained about my body and face, he hated the way I talk or do things … I just, whatever I did, I wasn’t good enough. And he would always make sure that I know that. He also looked at other girls in front of me, then waited for me to turn around so he could flirt. Whenever I thought of leaving, he would come and persuade me in his love and he would be all sweet and caring and I don’t know. I guess that was my biggest mistake. Staying with him and letting him do whatever he wants with me.”

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