Chapter 24

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“What the hell were you doing on the concert?” I yelled.

“Hello son, it is lovely to hear you again.”  her cold, fake voice answered. She always made things up so it would look like she actually cared about me.

“I’m not your son and answer the damn question.” I said, through my clenched teeth. I didn’t have time for her games, Jade was about to come back from the market within minutes.

“Don’t say that. Whatever happened between us won’t change the fact that I’m your mother and you’re my son. To be honest, I went because I felt like it.”

“Well guess what? I’m feeling like I don’t believe you. Cut the crap and tell me the truth! After everything you’ve put me through,  I think I deserve to hear truth when I ask you something. And we both know I rarely do.” I completely ignored the first part.

“Harry, what am I supposed to do? You won’t let me meet her, so I have to go to concerts to even catch a glimpse of her. Do you think it is fair?”

“I do, because you’re no longer a part of my life.” I replied, angrily.

“Harry, I’m your mother. You can’t blame me forever for mistakes that I’ve made in past. Get over it already.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat, trying to concentrate and stay normal. If I let myself fall now, darkness will overwhelm me. I couldn’t afford myself to break now.

Despite my all hard work, a tiny flashback appeared in my mind. It was like I was going trough all that hell again.

It was him and me again, in our dining room. I was getting blamed for something that I didn’t do, again. But there was no difference if I was guilty or not – I was always being punished.

The smell of cigarette is filling my nostrils, as I try not to scream. I won’t let him that satisfaction, because I know that he enjoys in my pain. I try to be brave, but I’m only 6, I don’t even know what’s going on.

As he keeps extinguishing cigarettes on my forearm, I see someone with my peripheral vision. I slowly turn my head and see my mum, hidden behind the door. She is just standing there and watching him torture me.

“Get over it already.” she said. Get.Over.It.Already.

That’s it.

“Listen to me you bloody whore – don’t you ever, EVER dare to speak to me again! I will sue you and ask for restraining order! And one more thing – if I see you on any of my girlfriend’s concerts – I won’t be responsible for my acts. From now on, I will ask security to ban you from entering the concert and if you do show up after all – they’ll call the police.”

“Haz, are you okay? Harry?” I’m suddenly back in reality, with worried Jade in front of me. I blinked a couple of times, trying to supress that horrendous flashback in my head.

We were laying in the bath tub, as we always did after sex. Usually, she would lay down with her back on my chest and we would talk and laugh until the water gets cold. Now, she was sitting on my thighs, her big, Bambi eyes watching my every move.

I lifted my hand and ran my fingers trough her hair. She had beautiful hair and it was one of my favourite things about her.

“I’m fine, love.”

Jade’s POV

But he wasn’t fine and I knew it. Within minutes he was normal, joking with me and trying to kiss every inch of my body, as usual. Suddenly, I could no longer hear his laugh and the sound of his voice and his body tensed.

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