Chapter 23

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I could never, ever, in a million years believe that this was going to happen to me. I was a normal, 19-year-old, ordinary girl from South Shields. Things like this just don’t happen to us.

I was standing in front of the mirror in our dressing room, doing my make-up and preparing for our first, opening concert of our tour. If somebody acutally told me that one day I’ll be touring UK and have blue hair – I’d probably tell him that he’s out of his mind.

You know that feeling when you work so hard and keep getting rejected, but you still get up and continue to fight, because “Winners never quit and Quitters never win”? And you know when you finally get it? You finally get what your heart desired the most, you accomplish something you never thought you would. That’s how I was feeling right now and it was the best feeling in the whole world.

“Are you done, baba?” Perrie appeared behind me, leaning her chin on my shoulder.

“Yes. What are you guys doing?” I asked, leaning my head on her purple one. She recently dyed her hair purple and she was even cuter now. I loved how we both rocked this crazy colours at the moment.

“Leigh is trying to record a SoundCloud for Mixers and she’s trying to stay serious but Jesy is being all Scottish again.” Perrie chuckled. Jesy and Leigh were the best at switching accents. They knew too many accents and often used them.

“You are nervous.” she suddenly said, putting arms around my waist. It was true. I was extremely nervous because I really wanted to do a good job, to not let anyone down. We rehearsed a lot but I was still afraid that I’ll forget choreography or lyrics.

It was like we were on the X Factor again. Only this time, we were performing 19 songs instead of 1. I was a perfectionist and I always looked to give the best of my voice in every performance, but this time I had to choose when to give my full voice and when to save it, because I needed to be good in all 19 songs. During the rehearsals, I was singing fully for each song and after three days I completely lost my voice.

“I am. I just want to make everyone happy. I don’t want Mixers to be disappointed.” I admitted, gasping.

“I know how you feel, I’m crappin’ me pants. But don’t worry that much, we’re gonna go there and have fun and it’ll be like a huge Little Mix party!”

“I’m also scared that I might lose my voice after 4th of 5th song.” I said.

“You won’t! Just save yourself for slow ones, like Turn Your Face!” she said and her phone buzzed in her hand.

“Oh, it’s Zayn on FaceTime again. See ya later, baba – on the stage.” she winked and left.

I sighed. That was another reason that I was upset. This was our first concert ever, here in Rhyl and no one ours was here. Our families were going to join us in two days in Nottingham and our boyfriends really couldn’t make it.

Jesy’s Jordan had performances with his dance group in Ireland, Leigh’s Jordan had some family stuff to work out and he was going to join us tomorrow, on another concert in Rhyl. Zayn and Harry ofcourse, were busy with their band. They flew to Australia to finish some things with promotions.

It was making me so insecure that our mums weren’t here. They were always following us, wherever we performed. Not seeing Harry for 4 days was already making me feel moody and he just wasn’t here. I understood that he had his business and all, but I really needed him now. I needed to see one familiar face in the crowd.

My phone buzzed and before even picking up, I knew it was him. Him being in Australia meant two completely different time zones and we could rarely speak normally without getting each other awake at 5 am. Right now, it was 3.40 am in Australia and I knew he stayed awake just so he could rang me and wish me good luck.

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