Chapter 37

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Leigh-Anne and I were still in the bathroom. I took not one, but three pregnancy tests and they all came positive. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think properly, I looked and felt like a mess.

Leigh was silently standing by my side, as she probably didn't know what to say or how to comfort me. She really thought I wasn't pregnant.

"What am I gonna do?" I asked myself, out loud.

"Jade, if I were you, I wouldn't be making any decisions right now ... You need to give yourself a few days, so you can properly think about all of this." she finally said, offering her advice.

"Think about what, Leigh-Anne?! I'm not keeping this baby!" I said, looking at her like she lost her mind.

"Jade. You can't just kill it! It is YOUR baby! And Harry's! I think he has the right to know that you're pregnant!" she whispered.

Kill it. I want to kill my baby. What kind of a person I was?

No, wait. A rational person. I was a rational adult who knew that neither I or Harry were able to raise this child. I was 23 and he was 25. I am too young for this, I'm not ready to be a mother, I don't want to be a mother!

Just as I was preparing to tell this to Leigh, I heard somebody opening the door of Harry's flat.

"Jade? I'm home!"

Leigh and I both flinched at the sound of his voice. We both looked at each other in the same time.

I grabbed Leigh's forearm and pulled her closer.

"Listen to me! You promised me something! Don't you dare tell anything to him! We're going to get out of this bathroom and pretend like nothing happened! Okay?" I whispered quickly, as I stared at her eyes.

She looked terrified, but she nodded.

"Tell him I'm in the bathroom and I'll be there soon." I said and with those words, pushed her out of the bathroom, as I locked the door.

I turned around and grabbed pregnancy tests and boxes in which they were packed. Where the hell am I supposed to hide them?!

I didn't have enough time to think of a place where Harry surely wouldn't find them, so I just grabbed Leigh's Prada bag that was still laying on the floor. I placed them inside and closed her bag. This was the best possible choice. She will just have to get rid of them later.

As long as they weren't in the apartment with me, my secret was safe.

I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked bad, but I did look like someone who was ill.

I took a deep breath, as I unlocked the door. Alright, show time.

Harry's POV

I was just pouring myself a glass of whiskey, when Jade appeared in our living room. She didn't look good, but she did look better than she was yesterday. I just didn't understand how was she still feeling so bad, even after she started taking the meds the doctor gave her.

"Hey, baby." she said, as she came closer to me, wrapping her arms around my torso and pressing her head against my chest.

These past few days she was avoiding the kissing part because of her constant urge to vomit.

"Hey." I said, as I pressed my lips on top of her head.

"How was your meeting?" she wanted to know.

"Extremely boring, as you can tell." I said, raising the glass in my hand. She didn't like when I drank whiskey, but I needed booze in order to survive Simon and his stupid meetings.

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