Chapter 10

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It was 5 a.m. and I was having a breakfast with girls in our kitchen. We were so sleepy and some of us were still drunk from last night. Before I could even open my eyes I had to take something for my terrible headache. That’s what you get when you drink champagne, come home, sleep for 4 hours and wake up.

“Come on girls, hurry up! You have 30 minutes to leave house and you’re not even finished with breakfast!” Anna, our PR, was here to wake us up and to make sure we are on our photo shoot right on the time.

To be honest, I hated photo shoots. It’s not that I didn’t like to take photos and all, but it’s terribly exhausting to do a photo shoot. You have to wake up very early and spend 6 or 7 hours just taking photos.

After 3 hours of smiling, I always feel like my face hurts and I can’t even properly smile for the picture. I’m guessing that my smile is then even worse than Harry’s.


As soon as I thought about him, memories from last night filled my mind. Even though daydreaming about him was my favourite thing, I knew I had to thing something first.

“Perrie?” I called her, looking her straight into eyes. All 3 girls were surprised and they all raised their heads.

“Yes?” she answered, after a minut of silence.

“I want to apologize to you for being rude and for yelling. I was extremely nervous these days and even though it wasn’t your fault – I yelled on you. I’m sorry, really.” I said, trying as best as I could. I was never good with apologies.

I thought she was going to be more stubborn (I would definitely be), but when she heard what I had to say, her sleepy face was quickly transformed into a happy face.

“Apology accepted!” she said squealing, which made us all laugh. We both stood up in the same time and I hugged her.

“Aww, I love happy endings!” said Leigh-Anne pretending to whipe her face with her handkerchief. Then she and Jesy stood up and joined us.

“I love you guys.” I said, trying to hug them all. It was such a relief to not be in a fight with Perrie anymore.

“Leigh, could you tie your hair or something while we’re hugging, ‘cause my mouth is full of your hair and …” Jesy didn’t even had the chance to finish the sentence, ‘cause we all burst in laughing so loud.

“Ok, one more time. Jesy, you stand behind Jade and Perrie you can be on left with Leigh-Anne. Ok, that’s good. Stay like that, please.” Marcus, our photographer was always telling us what kind of face expression should we make, what kind of pose to take etc.

“I have to take another one. Perrie, could you please make an eye contact with me now?” he said, being annoying as always. I knew this was his job and he wanted to do it correctly like I did mine, but he always complained about so many things.

I was so tired, I couldn’t even stand on my feet. It was 1 p.m. and this photo shoot was being done for more than 7 hours.

“Ok, we’re done. We’re gonna make a 20 minute pause before I take pictures of you in corsets.” he announced and put a cigar in his mouth without even leaving the camera.

“Let’s go out, I’ll think I’ll freak out if I stay one more minute here.” said Leigh out of sorts.

“You guys go, I have to go to the toilet first. Jade, will you go with me?”  Perrie took my hand and it was obvious that she was really happy that we’re not in a fight anymore. To be honest, I missed her even though we haven’t spoken for like a day or two.

Sing to meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon