Chapter 26

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“Thank you Mixers, we love you all!” Jesy shouted as we all waved, before we left the building with our staff.

“That was just crazy!” Leigh-Anne said once we were out, probably alluding on the amount of people who came because of us.

We were in USA, to promote our debut single and generally ourselves and to prepare USA for our album in May. USA was a tough one, if you conquer that – you have a pretty good chance to conquer the world.

We were doing signings, performances, interviews, meet and greets, radio tours – everything. Our schedule was horrible here in USA, but we couldn’t complain about it. We wanted to succeed and success is often followed by sacrifices.

We would literally be up at 6 am and our day wouldn’t be finished ‘till 1 am. Not to mention that we were travelling from one end of US to another one. That all plus different time zones meant that Harry and I could rarely FaceTime each other. He was also busy, because their album was out and they had tons and tons of performances, plus they were preparing for European Tour.

I once even fell asleep during our conversation, but I blamed him and his extremely slow talking. Although, I wasn’t the only one who was having a hard time because of a relationship.

Perrie was these days in a really bad mood, but as always, she was trying to cover it all up with a smile and cheerful behaviour. I respected her even more for that, knowing how hard it is to pretend that you’re ok when you’re really not.

First it was UK tabloid The Sun, but now every single tabloid in the world was writing about it. Apparently some Australian waitress appeared with the story that Zayn slept with her after clubbing all night.

Ofcourse, it was all bullshit. When rumours appeared, Zayn immediately flew to New York to be there for her and in case that he was lying, I also checked his story with Harry. Harry would definitely tell me the truth. But Perrie wasn’t upset about that.

The problem was that the whole world was in it, like it was their relationship. Fans were obnoxious on twitter and a lot of them were spamming Perrie, calling her a bad female role model, for staying with a boyfriend even though he cheated.

I suggested to Annecka that they should both decline it, but she had already made a deal with 1D’s management that they should both keep their mouth shut. “If they start declining, it will just cause more attention. They are both sick of it. Plus, it will look fake, because they will look like they’re justifying themselves.” she said.

They were both having a hard time. Zayn was called a trash and the whole world thought of him as a cheater. Zayn was one of those introvert people, who really respected their privacy. Plus, if anyone - Zayn was the most loyal and faithful person I’ve ever met.

But the hardest burden was definitely on Perrie. As per usual, society blamed a female for everything. One Direction fans were tweeting us horrendous stuff like “Perrie is such a gold digger that she won’t even break up after his cheating. Low!” or “Ofcourse he cheated, c’mon a man has his needs! And let’s be honest, Perrie definitely can’t satisfy those needs!”  or “You deserved to be cheated on, you fugly clown!”  or “Does she even have any dignity left?” and other stupidities.

I admired her for not being passive aggressive or even biting someone, ‘cause I would. Damn, I would send them all to hell, whether if affected my public image or not. Enough is enough, with insults like that a lot of lines has been crossed. People really had no boundaries when it came to someone’s privacy.

Girls and I were doing everything to support her and to keep her head up whenever she was feeling down. I was constantly trying to make her feel better and I thought that I was doing a good job, but now and then I’d catch her just staring through the window with the most serious face. And we were talking about Perrie who was being goofy 24/7 and was a pro at making the weirdest and funniest faces.

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