Chapter 12

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I don’t know for how long we stayed like this, but I didn’t want him to stop. He was so gentle and soft and with every touch, he caused a million feelings inside of me.

Finally, we stopped to catch some air, but he didn’t get his arms off me. He didn’t say anything, but he was watching my every move. Then I finally encouraged myself to admit something.

“You make me feel special, too.”

I could tell that he was surprised, by now he definitely realized that I was having a hard time exposing my emotions.

“You are special.” he said, taking my hand.

“You know what I meant.” I tried to sound serious, but I smiled at his words.

“You know what’s funny? I knew it.”

“Knew what?” I asked.

“I knew you liked me. I could feel it and see it sometimes, but I was still waiting for you to say these words. With you, no one can be sure. You’re great when it comes to confusing people.” he smiled.

“Me?! What about you? One day you call me a bitch and another day, you’re jealous of your best mate!”

“I apologized for calling you a bitch and I’m still sorry about that. But the jealousy thing – it’s your fault, Missy.” he said, still smiling.

“And what exactly did I do, so it was my fault?” I raised an eyebrow.

“You seem very protective when it comes to Liam, he’s usually the only one that you’re talking with when we’re all together, you don’t smile a lot, but you do, when you’re with him. And this morning you used his fondness for you on purpose, to make me jealous. Enough?”

“I’m only admitting this last thing. I did say that on purpose, ‘cause I wanted to tease you and see your reaction. But, other things … are you serious?” I looked at him.

“I shouldn’t be saying this, because there is no reason to justify myself, we’re not a couple and you don’t have a right to be jealous, but – we’re just friends. Really good friends. I know him since my 1st  audition for X Factor and when we both failed – we became better friends. He was devastated, he didn’t expect to fail, he lost his faith in himself. You know Liam, whenever something bothers him, he doesn’t tell anyone, he just keeps it inside of him. But I’ve already gone trough that and I helped him to overcome that and to regain his confidence. Why do you think he auditioned again? I was the one who persuaded him.”

“Wow. I had no idea your relation was that deep. He never mentioned that you persuaded him to audition again.”  Harry said.

“That was his choice. I’m not a person who seeks an award after good act.”

“But, he ows you everything. Would he be part of this now, if you didn’t do what you did?” he finally removed his arms from me and we started walking.

“It’s not like that. Liam’s a fighter, I believe he would audition again, with or without me. He just needed some encouragement in moments of his despair.” I said.

He rolled his eyes and laughed.

“What?” I asked. Did he think I was joking?

“You. You’re so modest. Liam basically owes you everything. You were there when he needed someone the most. And if he didn’t audition, he would not be what he is today.”

“Well, he thanked me. Many times.”

Harry stopped and laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

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