Chapter 191

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Chasity's POV-

I woke up from my nap and saw a letter next to me.

Awe who's it from?

Definitely from one of my man hoes.

It read,

"Dear darling,

Ur hot.

Wanna fuck?

Yes? or no?

Please circle one.

Just kidding, as I was saying you are very beautiful but I need to go shoot some man hoes. I hope you are having a good nap and you're probably having a wet dream about me but that's beyond the point. I probably won't be back tonight because we're not dating. (not what I prefer but I'm a gentleman so okay) but anyways continue having dirty dreams about me because I'm the only one who'll ever make you feel that way.

Yours truly,

Stefan <3"

What a poetic bitch.


I spent the rest of the day being bored.

I really need new friends.

"Have you been going to school?" Leo asked me, while I was eating food.

"Ew no," I replied.

"That's what I figured. You need to take a test but I kind of bribed the school to let you graduate. Make sure you apply to colleges or whatever just don't be sniffing crack out of a trash can." He said and left.

Why is their worst fear me sniffing crack out of a trashcan? What's wrong with that?

The doorbell started ringing.

Ohh a guest.

I ran to open it and oh-

"I heard you were single?" My ex, mother fucking (literal) boyfriend said. The one who slept with my mom.

"No, I'm fucking your dad," I replied.

"You know he's dead Chasity." He said.

"MY SUGAR DADDY IS DEAD?!" I said acting hurt.

"Fuck off. Anyways, let's go on a date?" He asked.

"I can't. I have to grieve and whatever. Maybe find myself another sugar daddy. You know my ex-boyfriend Stefan would be a great replacement. He's really tall and works out a lot. He also owns a gun." I said and his face fell.


"Yea but thank you for your offer," I replied.

"Who the fuck is at the door?" Rocco asked while he and Maddie came downstairs.

"Mikey." He replied.

"Omg, you're the one who cheated on Chasity," Maddie said shocked.

"Oh fuck no," Rocco said and shot my ex's head.

Oh okay.

Yea, okay.

"Oops impulse." He replied and called someone.

"Are you okay?" I asked, Maddie.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

Did we all just forget about what happened yesterday?

"Sex." I blurted and ran away.

Sex? My sex life is drier than taco bell's tacos.

"We all know that you're not getting any," Missy said.

"What?!" I asked. Can she read my mind?

"Shh, I'm on the phone." She whispered to me.

"Oh thank goodness." I sighed.

"Yea Carrie isn't getting any dick...wait you guys have something in common." She laughed and walked away.

Bitch what?! That eavesdropping hoe.

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