Chapter 20: ASG Agents

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Y/n was now seen back in Lab 8 as there he was being lead by Princess Parasoul herself.

Parasoul: Thank you for accepting my offer Y/n, I have a feeling with your help, we'll accomplish more of what we can before.

Y/n: Aww~ Stop it you're making me blush~

He jokingly holds his cheeks while smiling bashfully which Parasoul finds his silliness amusing and.... cute..

Parasoul continues leading him the way as Y/n looks around the place, he didn't get a good look before but despite the hidden base plus lab, looking quite old, the layout of it was pretty amazing.

As they walk, the Egrets Soldiers they past by stops and salutes to the Princess calling her "Sir" despite being a woman which Y/n find it weird but didn't question it.

Y/n: This place sure is amazing.

Parasoul smiled hearing this.

Parasoul: Glad you find it that way, despite this place being built upon an old sewer systen, it's large enough to serve as a hidden base operation in this city,

Y/n: Wait, this place is really built on the sewer? That's sounds cool.. and gross at the same time.

Parasoul: None taken, truthfully this place was originally built to be lab and it still is but it serves as a Headquarters in addition.

Y/n: I see.

???: Ah Your Highness, there you are— Oh! This must be him!

Both of them looks towards to see an Old elf man walking to them in a lab coat.

Parasoul: Ah Dr. Avian, there you are, I was looking for you.

Dr. Avian: Yes yes I've heard.

He waves his hand at her as he walks to Y/n.

Dr. Avian: The name is Avian and you must be Y/n!

Y/n: Um how do you-

Dr. Avian: How do I know your name? Well my boy, you have quite the friends you have, Ms. Fortune or you may known her as Nadia wouldn't stop worrying about you, to add more she almost strangled Chara for trying to kill you.

Y/n: I-I see hehe..

Dr. Avian: But it's not only her, her Highness here had also been talking a lot about you.

Parasoul: Doctor!!

The Princess shouted at him, as the Old man just laughs as she was blushing embarrassed while looking at Y/n who just smiled.

Parasoul: I-I was talking about your powers... I find them... very intriguing..

Dr. Avian: True that, now I'll take it from here Your Highness, I'll show him the rest of the place.

Parasoul: That won't be necessary for I'll be-

Dr. Avian: Sad to say Your Highness but just a few minutes ago, His Majesty just called for you for a meeting..

Parasoul: What? My.. Father did?

Avian just nodded as seeing this Parasoul sighs.

Parasoul: Right.. My apologies Y/n it seems I'll have to leave.

Y/n: It's cool besides, we'll talk another time Princess~

Parasoul nodded but with a bit of blush as she leaves, leaving the two.

Dr. Avian: Now come my boy, there's much to know and learn at how we operate around here.

Y/n: Lead the way Doc!

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