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Thank you to each and everyone of you, cause now we are on these amazing rankings

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"Good Morning" I said groggily rubbing the sleep from my eyes

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"Good Morning" I said groggily rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Mornin', tired?" Kezr asked while sipping his coffee.

"Yeah, ve-" I got cut off by my own yawn,"-ry much tired."

He chuckled and said, "You're cute" and got up to put his mug in the sink.


Why the baloney are my cheeks heating up?

I notice that these days he calls me alot of endearments like;
Cute, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, darling?

It felt a little weird to be listening to those lovey dovey words from his mouth.

But a good weird, a kind of weird, which has my heart racing out of my rib cage. A kind of weird, which has my breath fastening. A kind of weird, which has heat creeping up to my cheeks making me blush furiously. A kind of weird which has my hands sweating. A kind of weird which makes me want to kiss him. A kind of weir-

"Zella?" I heard Kezr snapping me out of my thoughts about weirdness.

"Huh?" I asked baffled.

"You have been standing there and reciting something like a mantra, mind telling me-"
Kezr said with an amused expression on his face.

He was leaning against the kitchen island with his one hand on the island hanging and the other one was in his hair messing it up.

And only one word came through my mind.
Hot, sexy, gorgeous, handsome, sexy-did I say that already?

Okay more than one word but you get my point.

"-why do it?" Kezr completed but I didn't listen to a single word he said as I was too busy drooling over him.

"What?" I asked confused for the umpteenth time today.

He chuckled, throwing his head back. It's an amzing sight to see.

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