Chapter 2- Daily Talks

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Taylor Andrews - Jake T. Austin

Please remember that the cast is only for your visual pleasure and entertainment. If you imagined any of the characters differently, that's completely okay.


Taylor's POV.

"Hey Pam," I said as I joined beside her at the kitchen table. "Where's my dad?"

"Work," she said, "He's going to be out late tonight.. again."

"He's been out late all week."

She shrugged her shoulders somberlly, but I could easily see her disappointment. This is so like my dad to be a first class ass.

"Our anniversary is next week," she confided, "And I'm almost a hundred percent sure he forgot."

I put my hand on her shoulder sympathetically. "I'm sorry."

She stared in the distance for a moment more before changing the subject, "So are you ready for your big day?"

"What big day?"

"Your big day!" She exclaimed, "College. You finally found your calling and you're not at least one bit excited?"

"I didn't know taking pictures for a living could be so exciting." I sarcastically remarked, earning a playful punch from her.

"I knew the moment you had your father's old camera in your hands that, that would be your career choice."

"Well, the photography I'm looking into after school are the ones where I get to stay home with less travel." I know Emily could always remain safe with my dad and Pam, but she was my responsibilty. Sarah left two months ago, leaving her in my care. I hated just being a mile away from Emily, I guess I carry on my mother's tendency to worry a lot.

"Are you taking Emily with you?"


"To the wedding." she said, "you're the best man?"

"Oh, right." I nearly forgot about the whole thing until I recieved a wedding invitation earlier in the week from my mom. I have yet to confirm my appearance. If I wasn't a part of this wedding, I would ditch it. But knowing how this day must mean to Mr. Parker and for him to ask me to be his best man, I can't miss it. I wanted to take Emily with me, but I didn't tell my mom about her or Sarah yet. She didn't even know I was the best man.

"Why don't you come with us?" I asked her. I don't really know what my mom's reaction to seeing my dad again will be, but it's not something I'll worry about at the moment.

"To a strangers wedding?"

"Well, not really a stranger," I explained, "My dad has met Mr. Parker once or twice before when.." I paused a moment, "when Ava and I were.. together."

"I don't know..."

"C'mon, you've been cooped up in this house so long. Don't you want an excuse to spend some time with dad?"

She furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "I'll talk about it with your father. Maybe we will be accompaning you this weekend." She then looked at me further with a more worried expression. "Are you going to be okay over there?"

"Um, sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know why."

Ava. After what happened spring break, I couldn't even bring myself to think about her. There was only one truth and I've been denying it when it was completely obvious. It's over. Emily and Sarah have become my focus since then. When Sarah left, she promised me the world as soon as she came back. She has been there for me since the beginning, and I've been too blind by my obsession to hold on to Ava that I could of nearly almost love Sarah too. And losing Sarah also meant losing Emily. I knew that was something I could never forgive myself for. Even though I was in no position for another long distance relationship, I did feel somewhat committed to her. Of course I never told her about what happened between Kylie and I but it wasn't like it was anything special. I simply needed someone to distract my painful thoughts. And as horrible as it really is, it's the truth. As the date of my return reached nearer, a familiar ache in my chest began once again. Just let me get through this wedding and be over with it.

"I'll be fine." I assured her.

The sound of crying came from the room and I groaned.

"Emily's awake from her nap." I rubbed my eyes.

"Want me to handle it?"

"No, it's okay."

I walked to the room to see Emily standing up in her little bed, straining her throat. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. I never knew anything about taking care of a child. In a way, it seemed as if Emily already knew this because she quickly fell asleep in my arms once again. I layed her back in her bed as gently as possible, cautious to not wake her up.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialed my mom's number. It only took four rings before she picked up. "Hello?" She answered through the phone.

"Hey mom, it's me. I just called to tell you I am coming to the wedding."

"Really!" She squealed.

"Yes, yes. But I was wondering, would you mind if I brought some company?"

"What do you mean company?"

Please mom, do not kill me.

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