Chapter 11- A Day For Arrivals

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Ava's POV.

"Hello my loves." My dad kissed both mine and Rebecca's forhead as he joined us at the kitchen table. We both bid him a goodmorning as Rebecca sipped on her coffee.

"Tomorrow's the big day." I quietly cheered to the both of them. They turned and smiled to each other, leaning to express their love and happiness in a kiss. My heart joyed for them, completely happy that my dad found someone to spend his life with. Rebecca wasn't my mom, and she couldn't ever replace her, both my dad I knew that, but her presence brought peace and love once again to our little family. She's made our life better, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

"I actually have to run some errands with Laurie today." Rebecca announced, "Ava, wanna come?"

"Um, no. I'm good." I didn't really feel like going anywhere today.

She nodded and secretly sympathized for me. I had told her what happened with Taylor a few days ago. It was time for the both of us to hear what needed to be said. As much hurt as it brought to say the words, maybe Taylor and I were supposed to be friends. Life would of decide otherwise.

"Well, I'm going to check in for work for the last time as a single bachelor." My dad joked, earning a playful punch from Rebecca.

As soon as he left, she looked at me with more seriousness. "Are you sure you don't want to go? You look a little bit too pale being inside the house all day."

"Could Logan come?" I negotitated. She rolled her eyes but nodded. I took out my phone and texted for him to be here in 10 minutes. Of course, it didn't take him no longer than 5 to be in front of my doorstep.

"Hey babe." He said as I greeted him outside. "What are we doing today?"

"Errands. Girl stuff." Rebecca chuckled.

"Oh, great." Logan said sarcastically, "I love to do.. girl stuff."

We all climbed inside the car, Logan's face already rested on the window as we drove.


"I hope everything goes as planned." Laurie exclaimed as we drove home from the mall. "Tomorrow will be absolutely perfect Rebecca, don't you worry."

"Thank you Laurie, for everything." Rebecca thanked. A phone's ringtone suddenly rang throughout the car.

"Oh shit." Rebecca cursed, "that's mine. Can you get it for me Ava?"

I reached behind her seat and into her purse, pulling out her buzzing mobile device. I put the phone to my ear and answered.


"Becca?" A woman's frail voice answered through the phone.

"Um, no. This is Ava, Rebecca's soon to be husband's daughter. She's driving at the moment. Can I take a message for you?" I asked politely.

"Oh, this is Diana. Her sister." She replied.

I pulled the phone away from ear. "Rebecca, it's your sister. She wants to talk to you."

"Diana!" The car came to a sudden stop in the empty road, almost making me crash forward into the passenger's seat. She took the phone away from me.

"D, is that you?" She asked into the phone hysterically. Her shoulders slouched in relief. "You're where? The airport? Oh my god D, thank you so much for coming. I'm on my way to pick you up right now."

She hung up and looked to Laurie with pleading eyes. Laurie rolled her eys and chuckled, "Let's go get your sister, Rebecca."

Rebecca squealed gleefully like a child and pushed on the gas pedal and we zoomed throughout the streets.

Within 20 minutes, we were all rushing inside the airport, waiting for the arrival of Rebecca's sister.


We all turned around to find a tall woman with gorgeous wavy brown hair and piercing amber eyes with a suitcase in hand. Her smile was radiant, just like Rebecca's. I knew immediately they were sisters. Rebecca joyfully ran to her sister and engulfed her in a hug. My heart warmed as the two sisters reunited once again.

"D, I'm so glad you came." Rebecca's eyes filled with joyous tears.

"I am too." Her sister agreed.

Noticing Logan, Laurie, and I were still standing behind them, Rebecca took her to introduce us.

"Diana, this is Laurie, my maid of honor." She pointed to Laurie. The two women shook hands and smiled.

"This is Ava, George's 18 year old daughter. My soon to be step daughter." Rebecca beamed and I beamed right back as I shook the woman's slightly cold hands.

"I have a daughter about your age." She commented, but her eyes seemed to sadden just a bit at the mention of her daughter. She quickly recovered as Rebecca introduced her to Logan.

Another phone started to ring and soon Laurie was speaking into her phone. Her eyes brightened along with her smile.

"I'll be home right now." Laurie hung up the phone and turned to Rebecca. "My daughter is on her way from college. She's almost at the house, I need to hurry home!"

Once again, we were rushing to our new destination. I looked at Logan as we all walked out of the airport.

"What a day." I smiled.

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