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Welcome to our little Q/A 

I would like to thank you for some great questions I've been asked in the comments and private messages. I will try my best to answer them all but also ask you a question at the end since it's something I'm very curious about. Without further ado, let's get to it!

About Me 

Are you an Arab?

I'm half Lebanese, half Polish. 

Do you speak Arabic? 

The answer is NO. I was raised in Poland and never got pushed into learning it, which I do slightly regret now that I'm older. I just know some words, since my dad used them at home.

How old are you?

Oh boy...  7+4+3+1+6+3 

What's your favorite food?

I'm a foodie and love all kinds, but at this very moment it's Lebanese Molokhia, I make it at least once a week. Pho is a strong second, my comfort food. 

What color are your eyes? 

That's an odd one, but... A lighter shade of blue/grey. 

Story Questions

You said "finished a chapter of my own". Is this book related to what you went through irl?

I was in very bad shape when I began writing this story. I feel like I've progressively got better along with Alexis as we continued on our journey together. So yes, finishing this story has ended that bad chapter of my life, and I'm ready to start a better one. Where I can finally take proper care of myself. 

Ps. No, I haven't gone through anything as bad as my characters.

What inspired you to write Alexis character? Is it somebody irl who has the same disabilities?

Alexis was supposed to be a manifestation of my own insecurities and behaviors I went or still am going through. Her anxiety, overthinking, gullibility but also caring for others more than herself are things I wanted to change. I created her to show myself that everything can be worked on and overcome, as long as there's an effort and desire to get better. 

Regarding her specific speech disability, I just wanted to write about something that's a common issue but is hardly spoken about. A lot of people look at those who can't speak properly as if they were aliens. We are all equals no matter our disabilities. 

How did you decide on a story involving mental health topics?

I guess I wanted to spread more understanding and provide different points of view. A lot of those people are judged from the start, which pains me. Please guys don't be jackasses and be nice to your peers, as long as they aren't doing anything bad to you. 

What inspired you to write your first book? 

My first book is actually a cliche werewolf story, shhh. I never finished it and might rewrite it someday. About "Ms. Jones You're My Trigger" I think I answered that above. 

Who is your fav character?

Hmm, personally Daisy. The way she would sacrifice everything for her friends, but also the development where she had to realize this wasn't the way - We must live for ourselves first. 

She was extremely fun to write, I never had anything planned for her chapters, those just sorta happened, same with Isabel. I didn't even plan for them to be together, but then the chemistry between the two strong-minded characters just made it natural for me to write. 

I also like Caroline and believe what she went through is something that happens to a lot of young girls. It's easy to manipulate someone when they are in love, so please take it easy on her, especially since in the end she did want to redeem herself.  

Is there any alternateending for this book or this is the only ending you planned from the beginning?

Definitely no alternative endings, this is how I wanted it to be, (I'm sorry Mason, his death was planned from the start) a very open and left for self-interpretation finish. 

Which scene/chapter was the hardest to write?

Call between Mason and Alexis. Killing off a character that's lived in my head for a year was like losing some part of myself. At first, this was planned to be written from Mason's POV, however, considering the young audience I didn't want to make it too realistic. 

Writing the last chapter was also the hardest. I never cried during writing before, and I think I did cut it a bit short, just because I wasn't able to go through it. So I apologize for that. 

Is Daisy still together with Isabel?

I wonder... I feel like they might have had a small break due to their tempers, but ultimately I think they got back to each other. 

What happened to Sam?

My guy is still single. Someone hit him up. 

Will there be Act 3?

I'm sorry, but no. Alexis and Vanessa's story has ended.

Are you going to write Mars a backstory or is this the end of the story as a whole?

Marshall was planned to exist from the start, and yes I do plan on writing her story, which will definitely include Amira as our support character and appearances of our other characters. 

Will you be writing another book in the near future? 

Definitely, I will be taking some time to decide what I want to write and make a proper plan, but I cannot imagine not writing after constantly doing it for the past year. 

Mars story?

Something lighter, with supernatural creatures?

A new story? Whatever I come up with? 

Let me know which one you would like to see next!

The current plan is to do some edits for "Ms. Jones You're My Trigger", so it's ready to be submitted into the Wattys. Once I'm done with that I will be planning the next book. All of the upcoming announcements I will be posting on my profile wall, so keep an eye on that. 

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And before we finish I just wanted to ask, since I've been hearing it a lot from you, but don't exactly understand what you mean by that. 

You always say my story is different and very unique from the others, why is that? Is it the speech deficiency, or something else? 

Thank you for everything 🌷♥️

Ms. Jones, You're My Trigger (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now