II - Chapter 20

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Alexis POV

He was right there, in front of me, yet whenever I tried to reach out, he always motioned for me to stop, and not move any further. His adorable curls were longer than I ever saw, and his cheeks fuller, almost as if he came back from the dead, but the irony was, it only happened after he died.

He looked so happy and well, it made me envious. How can you leave so much pain, how can you abandon my heart and be this happy and full of life? Almost as if he absorbed the sun, his skin not as pale and tiredness gone from under his eyes.

I was crying, but I was happy. This is what I wanted to believe.

"You found your peace," I spoke, the echo of the large open space coming back to ring in my ears.

He smiled widely and brightly, something I never thought I would see. His hand pointed down as he spoke in the lightest and most carefree way.

"Now you go find yours." He sounded like an angel.


I abruptly snapped back into reality. My heart almost bursting from the pain, that filled it up. It bumped against my chest so quickly, I was having a hard time calming myself down.

"Alexis?!" this voice belonged to someone else.


Amira was standing next to me with a plate of pancakes, while Vanessa looked at me with worry, as she made her way towards me.

"I made you breakfast, are you okay?" Amira asked with a cute, but concerned voice.

Taking a deep breath in, I exhaled and slowly took control over my broken heart, because those two were gluing it back together, no matter how many times it shattered back.

"Wah," I exclaimed excitedly, not wanting to worry my little princess. "Did y-y-you make it?" I asked cheekily.

"Yes!" she screamed, but quickly followed. "Well... I helped to make the batter, Nessi didn't let me cook it," she corrected herself with a pout.

Accepting the food, I scanned through it. They made me one of my recently favorite pancakes with an apple sauce. No idea why, but it was the best thing as of late.

Booping Amira's nose she squeaked and ran out of the bedroom, leaving us alone.

I didn't even have to look at her to know. "Stop, I'm fine," I said plainly.

"I know."

Her short, not convincing answer made me twitch and lookup. She was wearing shorts and a black top, her long black hair pulled up into a rough ponytail. I liked that she couldn't hide her feelings from me any longer. Somehow, unsure when and how she became an open book and I could always tell whenever she felt bothered or upset.

Though, I don't give myself too much credit. I strongly believed she allowed this to happen. Opening herself up to me, like she hasn't done with anyone else.

She made me feel like a heroine of my own story – A princess.

Was it how it always felt whenever in a relationship? - I didn't know. But what I knew was that she was the one. My love for her grew with every passing day, even when I thought it wasn't possible to love any further, but let me tell you something - It always was.

"I packed your things." She tried to retain a cheerful voice, but the sadness slipped through, reminding me of what today was.

A bittersweet moment, I was leaving this town and moving into the city, about two hours away from here.

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