December to Remember

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Just a quick comment. This is set in December 2012 based off the Marvel timeline, though I know in the movie; Iron Man 3 is set in 2013.

I just chose to go with the timeline due to later events and not to mess with them.

So, again. This is dated roughly 7 months after the Battle of New York.



(Soleil's POV)

Time waits for no one, so the saying goes. Soleil and Tony had spent a wondrous month in Fuji, taking all off July to recuperate as much as possible. Blissfully enjoying their time together in anyway they could, but mostly sex where ever they could. It was private island, their's alone to make use of for their stay.

But as the month drew to its end they both knew there was a world outside their bubble they had made for themselves, and they needed to go back. Even throughout the vacation, Pepper had been texting her detail of what was going on with the Avenger's Tower and Stark Industries.

Tony on the other hand had brought his Stark tablet, and whenever he found time he would be working on schematics for new suit designs. Which Soleil did not mind too much, and even offered some upgrade ideas. Hoping that her input would help settle Tony's mind instead of causing him to stress more by telling him to 'leave it alone'.

They both had also been trying to reach out to Rhodey, especially with the whole Ten Rings still be out there, but he has only kept them on a need-to-know basis or he goes completely silent.

Neither her nor Tony pushed him, though they did not admit to; Rhodey, that they were just being concerned for him. Which lead to Tony reminding him to bring the suit in for a look over, while Soleil told him that if he found time to at least come stop by for her birthday.

It was not going to be anything big, even though she was turning 40 this year. Possibly just a small dinner, with just her, Tony, Pepper, Happy and Rhodey if he could come.

Once they got back from their vacation, Tony and her basically spent time down in his lab. Though it was mostly Tony, as Soleil went into office more often now to help out Pepper whenever she needed or just wanted some help.

But basically they threw themselves into working on some new suit designs for Tony, with Mark VII (7) being more maneuverable and less bulky but still being able to handle more weapons. But as they continued down to Mark XIII (8) they decided they wanted to increase his speed.

So Mark XIV (14) sacrificed it a lot of fire power to boost speed enhancements, and was left with only missiles and Repulsors. Also, it was one of the few to revert back to the silver colouration they had used with Rhodey's suit (Mark II).

The next one was Mark XV (15); also known as Sneaky. It was Soleil's idea to start giving some of the suits a name/nickname as they had passed double digits, and Tony liked the idea. As per its name; Mark XV specialized in stealth work; with principles commonly used in stealth aircraft and other anti-radar-detection systems, as well as colour camouflaging technology which is primarily used for sensor invisibility. The armour features several angled surfaces, as well as radar absorbent materials, that make it virtually invisible to enemy early-warning systems. A chrome coloured coating on the armour can darken or lighten to match the environment and make the armour harder to see from a distance.

Its successor Mark XVI (16); or Nightclub was an enhanced version of that, fine tuning all the stealth capabilities Sneaky had.

Mark XVII (17); Heartbreaker, was more like beast of a unit compared to the last few. Designed for more artillery level Repulsor technology.

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt