The Winter Soldier

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(Soleil's POV)

Why did the plan involve this tight-ass helmet?! And how in the fuck does the Strike team wear this piece of shit?! Soleil cursed inwardly as she was seated inside an armoured van, alongside another Strike team member, Steve, Natasha -who was bleeding at the shoulder- and a man she's never met before.

They were sitting in silence, the unfamiliar man looking down at the special cuffs on his hands while Natasha had her eyes closed and was breathing deeply most likely trying to think of anything except her leaking wound. Steve seemed lost in thought, so Soleil took a moment to think about how she got here as well.


Yesterday, Fury was fading in and out of consciousness so they did not want to force him to do anything until he was able to stay awake for longer than 5 minutes. It was a long morning and possibly going to be a long day, and Soleil had not gotten much sleep.

So, she told Maria that she was owed a nap at the very least for everything that she is going through -and about to go through- with everything going to shit. Maria did not argue but told Soleil there were no other beds, as this facility has been basically abandoned for a long time.

Soleil frowned as she looked around the damp area and then back at Fury while Dr. Fine was checking him over. His bed did not really look to be in the best condition either, so it was probably only a bit more sanitary than the floor.

Soleil rolled her shoulders as black and gold dust covered her and she turned into her average size lioness form. She could have done her cub form and taken up a portion -a corner at the foot- of Fury's bed but they were not that close, and she did not want to risk the awkwardness either.

Dr. Fine gave the same reaction everyone did when seeing Sunbeam in all her winged lioness glory for the first time, while Soleil strutted off to an open space in the large room they were in.

She laid down on her stomach and stretched her wings out to their full wingspan before resting her head between her front paws. Her gold eyes met -stared directly at- Maria's blueish green ones as she spoke. "Do not wake me unless absolutely necessary."

Thankfully, Maria seemed to listen or there were no actual drastic changes in the situation, leading to Soleil being able to get a few hours of sleep. By the time she woke up, Fury seemed to be doing better and was ready to explain the plan.

Soleil was going in, and she would need to commandeer a Strike Team vehicle specifically when the team gets a hit on Rogers and Romanoff. If not the entire vehicle, she will need to at least go undercover as one of the Strike team members, knock one of them out before she could take, and then put on their gear.

If she goes for the second option -which is the easier choice, yet still hard in its own right- she is going to need an escape plan once she's with Rogers and Romanoff. They had little to nothing when it came to tech to use and Fury made it clear that he did not want Tony to get involved in this.

The only thing they had to offer was a laser cutter called to Mouse Hole; a SHIELD invention that was not mass produced and only held by a few high-ranking agents, i.e. Fury.

Soleil twisted the handle as per Fury's instructions and watched as a small concentrated laser appeared at the top of the Mouse Hole. Soleil twisted it back the other way, shutting it off before looking up. "You know that we are riding on the fact that the Strike team will have to apprehend a super soldier and a highly trained Russian spy/ SHIELD agent, right? I don't mean to take their side since we need them in custody for this to work, but do you really think Rumlow and his men will be able to go against two Avengers?"

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