03. new friends and family foes

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THERE WERE TWO THINGS CLARA ADORED ABOUT the day ahead of her. The first was the fact that her brothers had left Small Heath, taking their rowdiness and testosterone far away from the girl and the second was the fact that Aunt Pol had declared the day to be her 'day off', essentially leaving Clara to have number six Watery Lane to herself for the day.

After the debacle of a few nights ago, the girl had been sentenced to two days house arrest. Unfortunately for her, the first day had been utterly awful. She'd been forced to clean and tidy each and every single room in the house, along with doing all of Finn's chores. By the time she collapsed into bed, her entire body ached from the work, but now that the second day of her punishment was upon her, she was overjoyed.

She'd been awoken by Finn jumping onto her bed at the brink of dawn, his joyous laughter earning him a swift shove off the side of her bed. Clara had gotten up and dressed to watch her brothers leave the house to go to a fair outside of town and to watch her aunt depart for mass.

The girl was sitting on a chair in the betting den, (which had been closed for the morning), her legs propped up on the table as she balanced 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland' in one hand and an apple in the other.

Clara's eyebrows scrunched together as she read. The book was juvenile, she knew it was. She'd read far greater things, yet the book brought about a nostalgic wave with every sentence written. Flipping the page, the girl took another bite of her apple, relishing the sound of silence. It wasn't often that she got this chance to sit in utter silence with no yells from the betting den or overbearing siblings or even an aunt interrupting.

Alas, she knew it was too good to be true.

The sudden uproar of voices and screams echoed from outside. Clara bolted up from her seat, dropping her book onto the table as she raced to look out the window. Outside, Coppers seemed to be swarming the upper half of the street, throwing families out of their homes as they entered forcefully. The gears in her brain began to turn as she dashed into John's office, grabbing all of the main books from the den, stuffing them under a loose floorboard.

John had always warned her about doing this. Said that if they were to search, they'd be taken and they'd be arrested. Whether or not the police of Birmingham were now in her brother's pockets, Clara wasn't willing to take that chance. The girl stamped on the floorboard, slotting it back into its place before, rushing out into the betting den to grab her book. She pushed open the conjoining doors to six Watery Lane, closing them behind her as she sat down at the kitchen table and took out her book. Her brothers had ensured that when she was growing up she knew how to deal with the coppers of Birmingham.

Rule number one; when doing something illegal, do not under any circumstances act like you're doing something illegal.

It seemed as if Clara had timed her moves to perfection because before she could flip a page of her book, the doors to the house were kicked open. She flinched at the loud sound, her head snapping to the side as five coppers entered the home, followed by another man in a three-piece suit and bowler hat.

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