50. liars and lost causes

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24 hours before Clara woke up.


His arms were atop the rests on either side of his chair, a cigarette in one and a glass of whiskey in the other. His eyes bore straight ahead of him at his mahogany desk and the boy who nonchalantly sat behind it. The pair waited for the other, not wanting to be the first to speak. Thomas Shelby was a busy man, he had far better things to do than entertain the conversation he was about to have.

"Where is she?"

Tommy sighed as William Clarke broke the silence. The younger boy's darkened eyes bore angrily into the man's, as he leaned forward in the seat.

"She's here," Tommy replied simply as he lifted his cigarette to his mouth.

"Well I ain't fuckin' seeing her, so obviously she's not," Will snapped. Tommy raised a brow as he examined the boy. He looked exhausted, his longer hair dishevelled, remnants of dirt and soot coated his face, barely visible but there nevertheless. His hands were bloody around the nails, his lips drawn back into a scowl.

"It's barely dawn," Tommy commented, as he exhaled a cloud of smoke. "Besides she's not awake yet."

"You think I don't know that? If she were awake you sure as hell wouldn't be sitting here cockily." He scoffed, his body slumping back against his seat. "I want to see her." Tommy looked rather unimpressed.

"You just finished at the factory?" Tommy asked while he waved his hand slightly and ignored Will's comments.

"Yes," Will gritted, his fist clenched by his side.

Will was no longer the lanky fourteen-year-old who was frightened of the Shelby man he had locked eyes with. He did not care for Tommy. In his books, Tommy was as good as the dirt on the bottom of his shoes, but he'd never verbalise that to Clara.

"Mhm...and how was it?"

"I'm not here to make conversation." The boy snapped, "especially not with you. I'm here to see her."

"So you've said," Tommy sighed dismissively, tapping the ash from the top of his cigarette. He looked the boy up and down once more. William Clarke had been a trusted family friend for years, and the family knew just how important he was to the youngest Shelby girl. "She's recovering, she needs time."

Will laughed harshly and slouched back into his seat.

"Something amusing?" Tommy questioned as Will bit back another laugh.

"She would've had time if you'd have bloody listened." His features dropped into a scowl. Tommy tilted his head at the boy and he couldn't help but wonder if Will had lent Clara his traits or if Clara had lent him hers. Or if they were simply the same side of the same coin.

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