37. live fast, die young

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CLARA FOUND HERSELF DRAGGING JOHN TOWARDS THE STABLES. The wedding dinner had long ended and Clara had long consumed more cocaine. She felt energy coursing through her bloodstream, a cigarette lazily hanging between her lips. Her laughter was infectious as she and John quickly slipped into the stables where Curly was talking to the horses.

"Curly!" Clara exclaimed as she entered the stables. She tossed her cigarette to the floor and stamped on it before approaching the man and the horses. She bounded forward and reached her hand out to stroke down the muzzle of one of the horses Curly was tending to.

"Clara, hello," Curly greeted with a smile, his eyes flitting to John who leaned against the wall.

"Look at this gorgeous boy," she cooed, leaning closer to the horse. The girl tilted her head towards Curly. "This is Trigger and that's Glory Divine, am I correct?"

"Yes, yes," the man nodded excitedly.

"Good," Clara nodded before she turned to face John with a triumphant smile. "These are the ones!"

"The fast ones?" John questioned.

"Mhm...I rode Trigger around the grounds when Tommy was out on business, fast as lightning, swear it!" Clara grinned, her fingers nimbly caressing the horse, and lightly pinched his skin as he whinnied. "Aren't you boy, hm? And then Glory Divine is Tommy's second personal horse, after Dangerous, of course. He's nimble and light on his feet—I know that because I also stole him and rode him around the grounds when Tommy wasn't home but that's beside the point!"

"Right, Let's get 'em out, then," John instructed.

"Tommy said no racing, no gambling," Curly said worriedly, his hands stretched out on emphasis.

"Yeah, he's changed his mind," John remarked, grabbing Finn as he passed. The boy had stripped down to his undershirt as he prepared to race the horse beside Clara. As the two moved down the stables, John then grabbed Clara and walked the two out of the stables.

"Right, you to two. Don't worry, OK?" The older boy advised, glancing between them.

"Right," Finn said surely,

"Cavalry boys ride like a sack of stones, alright?" John leaned heavily against the two almost sending them sprawling across the floor.

"John. John, there's an awful lot of King's shillings around here today." Johnny Doggs interrupted, causing their brother to release his hold on the two youngest Shelby's. Clara immediately straightened up, her fingers ran nimbly across the lapels of her jacket before she pulled it off and hung it on one of the hooks attached to the stable walls.

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