20. do we dare?

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Clara's head whipped towards the voice echoing down Watery Lane. At the end of the road, Will stood with his arms in the air, his wild, slanted smile visible despite the distance. The girl chuckled to himself as he barrelled down the lane, whilst she pushed herself off the wall to meet him halfway. The boy was laughing, slinging a singular arm across Clara's shoulder as they met in the middle.

"I saw you three days ago, no need for the dramatics, William." Clara snickered, allowing him to lead her down the road.

"Oh, I just missed you so much!" He smirked teasingly, "The Chain?" Clara nodded, as the two made their way towards the pub. "So, Shelby, where'd ya get that shiner?"

Clara let her fingers skim the fading bruise on the side of her face. "Y'know how it is Will," she shrugged, her lips pulling into a wolfish smile. "I attract trouble."

"That you do," the boy held open the door for Clara, allowing her to slip under his arm. The two entered the smokey room, the overwhelming smell of alcohol and ash enrapturing them.

"God, I miss the Garrison," Clara moaned, as Will placed two drinks on the table. "But of course it had to go and get itself blown up."

"How's that whole 'thing' going on?" Will asked, slumping into the seat across from her.

"God only knows," Clara picked up her drink and swirled it. "They're reconstructing it...I think."

"Reckon your brother would hire me?"

"Not a chance!" Clara snorted, taking a gulp of the drink. "You'd drain the place in hours."

"Nah, I'd be so good at it!" Will defended himself. "Can you imagine me behind the bar pouring drinks?"

"No, I can imagine you on the floor—wasted."

"Right," The boy huffed, downing his drink. "Well, I need a better job."

"Why? Did you get sacked?"

"No...stacking crates on the boats just isn't that interesting." He sighed, "But, hey! At least I got these!" The boy flexed his arms, the built-up muscles showing through his shirt. "So things really can't be that bad."

"Will..." Clara frowned as his frustration laced his features. She could read William Clarke like an open book. Unfortunately, due to his low life of a father, the boy had been forced to drop out a year and a half ago to help his mother pay rent and other bills. She knew part of him missed school, whether or not he had complained about it 24/7 while attending. "Me and Penny miss you in school."

The boy waved his hand dismissively, "Whatever, can't change nothing now." He shrugged, before redirecting the conversation. "So how is Blondie? Seen her lately?"

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