57. leave the past where it belongs.

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THERE WAS A CERTAIN BLISS which could be found in the feeling of the numbing wind. The wind had a mind of its own, you see, its wisps and gusts slipping freely through the fingers of those greedy enough to try to grasp it. The wind was bold, fierce, and strong, yet it was dainty, calming, and grounding. It could be bitter and cruel but oh, it could be sincere and welcoming. The tree above danced with the whirling wind, both whistling and howling in delight. A soothing sound, one that wasn't lonely. They jostled in harmony, one unable to work without the other in their intricate dance.

Clara Shelby sat unmoving in the grass, just as she always did nowadays. The blades tickled her legs as she sat cross-legged with her shoulders unrolled. Her eyes remained shut as the wind fluttered around her in a euphonic matter. Her eyes weren't scrunched or shut firmly, they were closed softly and calmly in a state of relaxation. The wind whispered in her ear as short strands of her pulled-back hair came loose from its bounds and traipsed down the hallowed cheekbones that stood out hand in hand with the dark shadows beneath her eyes amongst the pallor of her skin.

The wind crept down her arms and legs and left behind a trail of goosebumps that went unnoticed by the young woman sitting still. Her limbs were covered by a shawl that had been haphazardly thrown over her shoulders, its deep purple and blue wool doing little to stop the shivers that threatened to erupt through her body. The soft cotton of her gloves kept the skin of her hands out of sight and out of the cold air. The material was worn and familiar, well-loved. Her hands were splayed on her lap, not touching as she breathed in the country air.

She was lost in thought, anyone who saw her would be able to tell, but whatever thoughts she'd found herself trapped in, she didn't know. It was as if her mind was blank yet her thoughts swirled just like the wind bringing forth memories and mindless thoughts like simple breezes. She found this to happen quite often, to get lost in thoughts that weren't there. She wondered if they were signs of relaxation or pure insanity. Perhaps, it was both.

The girl's eyes suddenly jumped open as the deafening crack of a gunshot rang out through the fields. Her heart was racing now, her eyes wide and wild. Her knees made their way to her chest, pushing against her sternum. She hid her hands that protectively cradled themselves over her heart. She allowed her head to drop down as her ears flooded with the sound of her blood pumping.

Three, Sting, Repent, Silence, June...Nothing.

Seven months.

Seven bloody months since she'd left that place behind and still the flashes of it remained to torment her. She had to stop. She had to stop thinking about it. Clara sucked in a deep breath as her eyes scanned her surroundings. Even out in an open field, it felt like four caged walls trapped her to her spot as she curled into herself. The worst part is, Clara knew that she shouldn't be scared. It was only John out hunting for ducks. It was routine. He did this every three days, she had been expecting it. It's not like he also hadn't warned her before she left. Her hands remained curled over her heart as she tried to steady her breathing. She needed to calm down, she couldn't go back rattled. She'd promised that she was getting better...whether they believed her or not was unknown.

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