16. an ode to the wild spirits

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CLARA DIDNT KNOW WHAT SINS SHE'D COMMITTED IN HER PAST LIFE to have landed her in this position, but it must've been terrible—unforgivable in fact. Clara awkwardly rocked Karl in her arms, her face pulled into a grimace. Pol had retreated to the kitchen to make the three tea, while Ada was fast asleep on the chair, her head resting against her own shoulder leaving the girl to try to keep the devil child quiet. She held the baby away from her body, her eyes scanning him from head to toe.

"You throw up on me and I'll use you as kindling for the fire," Clara joked quietly, (although part of her was serious...she rather liked the shirt she was wearing).

The baby cooed, his little fingers wiggling as he tried to grasp onto the air. The girl shook her head, looking desperately towards the kitchen as the kettle whistled. Clara rolled her neck, longing to discard the baby into its bassinet but she feared moving.

The girl flinched as the door to the home banged open, revealing Tommy in a panicked state. "Ada!" He loudly exclaimed, walking around the room, barely acknowledging Clara. "Wake up!" Ada roused, her arms immediately reaching out to take Karl. The younger girl shivered in disgust as she finally handed over the baby. "You, Clara and the baby get into the bullring where there's lots of people."

"What's going on?" Polly questioned as the three watched Tommy pace.

"We've been fucking betrayed." Tommy spat, "Someone let slip. Kimber's men are on their way here."

"Yeah, but you can handle them, Tommy," Pol reassured.

"It's just us." Tommy huffed, taking a deep breath in. "All the Lees are on their way to Worcester, we're outnumbered." He turned around and slammed his palms against a cabinet. "Fuck!"

Clara scrunched her nose up, not daring to move from her seat as Tommy ran over solutions in his head.

"Who else knew today was the day you were moving on Kimber? You said you kept it a secret. Who else did you tell?" Polly asked, her eyes scanning the man, before seemingly coming to a conclusion of her own. "There's only one thing that can blind a man as smart as you, Tommy. Love."

Clara's eyes widened significantly.

"It's that barmaid...I'll deal with Grace. If you set eyes on her again, you might kill her."

"ADA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" Clara yelled impatiently, her hand going to check her pocket watch. There was a clatter from upstairs before her sister appeared on the landing, causing the girl's jaw to drop. "What the bloody hell are you wearing?!"

Ada was dressed from head to toe in black, her head and hair covered with a black hat and veil. "We are going to stop the bloody men once and for all." She stated, waltzing down the creaky stairs. "Go and grab your black jacket from your wardrobe! Quickly!"

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