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While everyone else was chatting and eating breakfast, a familiar face joined them. "And this is my boyfriend Seungcheol." Jisoo said motioning to the Griffin hybrid on Jisoo's left.

"Nice to meet you again" Hannie said as Seungcheol gave him a warm smile. "Nice to see you Hannie." Seungcheol said, his tail swriling behined him.

"You 2 know eachother?" Jisoo asked and Seungcheol nodded as he sat down next to the siren.

"Yeah, on the rooftop last night. We're stargazing buddies!" Seungcheol joked. "How do you know him?" He asked.

"He tried to drown me when I first arrived." Hannie said as Seungkwan choked on his coffee.

"You actually used your powers on him?!" Seungkwan asked and Jeonghan shrugged.

"It didn't even work." Jisoo huffed. "But yeah I guess. Sorry about though." Jisoo added as Hannie brushed it off.

All was going normally, until Hannie was suddenly kicked out of control, it was a thing that actually happens naturally. Leading to him switching to Han

Causing the Devil to choke on the toast Hannie was eating. "WOAH!" Wonwoo gasped at the Devil who just changed infront of their eyes.

"Holy shit." Han coughed as he took a sip of water to clear his throat so he doesn't choke to death or something.

"Uh- hi everyone I'm Han." Han laughed once he stopped coughing.

"We can tell." Woozi laughed, holding his arm up, to show that Han's tail had wrapped itself around the Shadow Demons arm.

"Oh my bad sorry." Jeonghan laughed as he unwrapped his tail. "How long is that thing anyways?" Wonwoo asked Han who turned his head to look at his tail.

"Maybe 12 inches?" Han shrugged as his tail swrilied behind him back and forth.

"So does- switching? Happen normally?" Vernon asked and Han nodded.

"Yeah I can normally do it when I please, but sometimes it can happen out of my control." Han explained.

"So do your powers stay the same?" Dk asked curiously and Han shook his his head. "My powers are Soul Possession, Pyrokinesis, Memory Manipulation, Lie Detection and Voice Mimicry." Han said, he doesn't really use his powers that often.

"While Hannies are things like: Dream Walking, Flight, Telepathy, Astral Projection, Healing." Han answered.

"That's so cool, you really took the definition of hybrid and made it your own!" Seungkwan said in awe.

"Why thank you." Han said, giving them all a genuine smile.

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