Chapter-Twenty Four

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The school halls were almost entirely empty due to many students returning home for Carnival, and others went home to spend the week with their family.

"Hannie you almost ready?" Seungcheol asked knocking on the hybrids door. "We gotta leave soon." He added.

"Yeah I'm almost ready, but is there anything else I need to pack?" He asked Seungcheol as he opened the bedroom to let the Griffin inside rather than have him wait outside a closed door.

"For the 100th time. No you don't and if forget anything I'm sure my family will have it." Seungcheol laughed as he patted Hannie's head.

"Now let's head out." Seungcheol smiled as he wrapped his arm around Hannie's shoulder. It was going to be a few good hours of flying.

After they said goodbye to their friends, they were off. "It should be about 3 hours." Seungcheol reminded Hannie who nodded.

"I don't think I've ever flown that long before." Hannie laughed. "Its okay we can breaks, and Jun definitely snuck snacks into my bag for the flight over." Seungcheol said.

Surprisingly Hannie didn't need that many breaks, but they did finish off the snacks Jun had brought them, saving 2 for Jongho and his boyfriend.

Hannie could tell they were getting closer when they could hear music and singing fill the air around them.

"Hannie, Welcome to Carnival." Seungcheol said as the 2 of them landed at the base of a big tree. "Well it's technically not here, it's up there." Seungcheol pointed up.

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