Chapter Thirty-Four

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⚠️TW: Violence⚠️

Han squirmed in the chair as the girl came closer, letting out an alarmed cry through the fabric of the gag as she injected a needle into his neck.

She withdrew the needle as quickly as she injected it. "It won't hurt for long, You can feel it, right? Breaking down all your defenses." She asked with the same evil smirk.

Han definitely felt it all right, his eyes widening, body tensing before he numbly relaxed into the chair.

The vampire snapped her fingers infront of the Devils face, and her smile widened when she got no reaction besides Han's glazed over expression.

"Get rid of him." She dismissed a vampire to untie Han and throw him over their shoulder.

"Man I'm beat, thats probably the most dancing I've done since I was a kid." Seungcheol said as he and Jisoo slowly made their way to the sirens bedroom.

"Well I'm glad you had- Cheol what's that?" Jisoo asked pointing out the window to see a person carrying another person over their shoulder, but the person looked unconscious.

"Is that... Holy shit that's Han!" Seungcheol said after getting a better look.

They were bothering frozen in fear as they watched the other person throw Han off the bridge into the water.

"Han can't go in the water!" Jisoo said, snapping Seungcheol out of his pure shock and terror.

"I'm going to kill him." Seungcheol said basically kicking open the window as he flew out, aiming directly for the other student.

As if it was from a movie, Seungcheol tackled the vampire to the floor. "What's happening?" The others asked at they heard the sound of the window snapping open.

"Someone is trying to murder Han." Was what Jisoo could say before The8 grabbed the siren and they both lept out of the window aswell.

"For fucks sake." Dk said grabbing his wand and transporting them all through the bridge since the rest of them couldn't fly and magic seemed much more safer than jumping out the window.

Just Like Magic {Jihancheol}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora