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"HA! I win again!" The8 cheered as he made it to the tree first, Wonwoo in 2nd, Hannie in 3rd. The rest arriving shortly after.

"Why am I always last?" Vernon pouted as he landed on the ground, the dragonfly wins he had disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Because your just-" The8 was about to say before he felt something tie around his foot, throwing the dragon into the air.

"THE8!" They all yell in shock.

"Hey! Let go of me!" Wonwoo yelled as he felt something grab his ankle and fling him into the air too, leaving him there to dangle upside down.

"What's going on?" Hannie asked switching into Han incase they would need to fight, the Devil had the best powers for that.

"I- wait! YA DONGMIN YOU PRICK! LEAVE US ALONE!" Dk yelled angrily as he looked around.

"Awe but we're have so much fun." A voice said as 2 figures appeared right infront of them. Both having wands.

"Oh, I see you all brought us a new victim. Hi, I'm Sanha." The blonde one smirked as Han who only glared.

"And I'm Eunwoo, you know, you should leave these idiots and join us. I promise we're much more fun." Eunwoo said.

"Over my dead body bitch." Han glared.

"Oh, in that case." Eunwoo pulled out his wand and with a simple spell, 5 faceless monster things that resembled people, rose from the ground.

"Better get off my territory quickly Dk." Eunwoo snapped. "Wouldn't want to be late to dinner." He added as the monsters charged for them.

"Run!" Seungcheol yelled as they all took off sprinting. Eunwoo and Sanha only laughed and disappeared with a wave of their wands.

"THE8! CAN YOU ATLEAST TRY TO GET ME DOWN BEFORE ALL THE BLOOD RUSHES TO MY HEAD!" Wonwoo yelled to the dragon who was also still stuck dangling from the tree.

Just Like Magic {Jihancheol}Where stories live. Discover now