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                    Waking up with Lacey in my arms has to be hands down one of my favourite things to do. I inhale her scent as I snuggle into her body further, her back pressed against my chest. Her soft moans as she comes in contact with my morning wood makes me smile. I love that she reacts so strongly to my touch. I slide my hands down her body and rest it on her little rounded tummy. I love how it feels, cradling our baby through her stomach.

I can't believe this is my life now, but I am super excited about it. In five more months a little part of me and a little part of Lacey will make their way into the world. Life couldn't be any sweeter. I need to talk to Lacey about telling our parents. Maybe we should just take a trip over to our old houses and let them know. I don't see why waiting until twenty weeks will make much difference. Unless she wants some surprise thing?

Lacey starts to shift as she wakes up so I take that as my cue to place kisses along her neck. My facial hair must be a little spiky because she starts giggling and squirming away from my kisses. I should stop because every time she wiggles her sexy butt pushes against my erection and I don't want to have her like this. Well I do, but we said slow. Third base is enough for now. More than enough when it comes to her.

Who knew she was such a wildcat in the bedroom?

Lacey shifts around and blinks her sleepy eyes up at me smiling and my breath whooshes out of my lungs. "God you're beautiful," I say with wonder. Her smile widens and I feel like the luckiest son of a gun in the world because I get to call her mine and to be called hers. I keep thinking that I really was a blind fool back then. I should have risked it anyway. Lacey and I can get through anything and we would have remained friends no matter what.

A small part of me is glad though because I can appreciate her better, having lived life a little. I've been with other women and whilst I would have loved just being with Lacey I now know how deep our connection really goes. There will be no one else for me. Lacey is it for me, has always been it for me and I'm happy that we aren't wasting any more time.

I must have zoned out a little because she strokes my forehead and I relax my frown. "What has you thinking so hard first thing in the morning?"

"Just thinking about how much time we wasted and also how thankful I am to be getting a chance with you now."

"Aww. Who knew you were a closet romantic?"

"That was romantic?"

"You telling me how lucky you are and sharing your feelings is incredibly romantic to me. It doesn't have to be big fancy gestures just genuine feeling you know? That's what I think anyway."

"I love you."

"I love you too Ash."

I kiss her soft lips and she melts into me. I can feel our love with every touch, every breath. Her hands wind in my hair and scratch just how I like, I pull her closer to me and groan into our kiss. Who knew kissing could be this explosive? Before I get too worked up I slow our kiss and pull away, a huge grin on my face.

"God I want to wake up like this every day."

Lacey grins at me, "Me too."

As she gazes up at me I figure now is a good time to ask about the parentals and if she wants to do a gender reveal or some such. "Baby is there any reason why you want to wait to talk to our parents about the pregnancy?"

"Not really no. I just wanted to be past the first trimester and I am. Why is that?"

"I would like to tell them now if that's alright? I want the people we love to know about us and our little miracle. I don't want to hide how I feel about you."

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