The other Man

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The other Man

Author :: taeastethic

Reviewer :: BerryStrawberryy

First Impression :: 15/20

To be honest, I'm not big on royal AUs but your book did look quite promising at first glance and definitely made me want to click read.

» Cover :: 9/10

The cover was not only extremely aesthetically pleasing but it perfectly portrayed the book's theme as well, screaming royalty. The story hasn't reached a point where Taehyung's character has been (literally or metaphorically) crowned but I suppose that insinuation in the cover would make more sense further into the book.

Note:: The cover is perfect, so this is just my opinion, but I think the bottom half (Taehyung's face) could've been brighter so as to blend slightly better into its surroundings.

» Title :: ⅖

I guess the title is somewhat accurate to the book, but it does absolutely no justice to your beautifully written story. These kinds of titles are too common, especially in the wattpad world. If I wasn't reviewing your book, the title probably wouldn't have attracted me to read the story solely as a reader.

» Blurb :: ⅘

The blurb was very well written. It not only followed the ideal word limit and format but also provided just the right amount of details to give me an idea about the story and made me click read.

But I'm gonna be slightly stingy and deduct a point for the few grammatical errors, which I will be explaining more about later.

Beginning of a new start :: 9/10

The book started off on a really good note. The excerpt was written just right and from the first chapter, we got to know a little bit about the MC and her world; it was descriptive, yet vague in just the right amount.

You should remove the first part of the excerpt chapter (the synopsis), since it is already in the blurb and people have read it, plus an excerpt is only supposed to be an extract of the book, no summary.

Concept and plot :: 23/25

The plot deserves a complete marking.

The idea was completely unique; even though 'forced marriage and the involvement of another man' is a quite common concept at first glance—you took it, slightly tweaked it, added a really strong theme and message to it while making it yours.

As for the execution, we have barely reached the tip of the iceberg. The wedlock hasn't taken place yet and that means the actual story hasn't even started. What I've seen so far, is a basic set up for the story, a general introduction of the characters, their daily lives, the situations they're in and how their paths cross; I have my expectations set high for the rest of the story since this set-up was quite exceptional.

The central idea of your plot is basically a royal power struggle, for that I would like to suggest that you slightly branch out the main plotline and explore a couple other storylines, which eventually intertwine with the main plot. The reason for this is because a power struggle is a huge concept, it is much bigger than one simple wedlock, it is the exploration of two kingdoms entirely. So when the time comes to introduce the 'conflict' in your book and if it is something along the lines of planning a coup, or bringing justice to the kingdom with a rightful ruler, I suggest you choose an elaborate way of seeing the plan through, maybe explore a few different characters and their side stories about how they provide assist.

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