21 July 2021

534 39 12

True soulmates will be able to see each other in their dreams.

It might not be every night or when they want to, it happens randomly and it was said that they can't see each other's faces.

Sure, they'll spend their time together but the faces will always be a blur once they wake up.

It was however a tale tell because there haven't been any True Soulmates but after more than a hundred years.

If there were, they might keep it hidden since most true soulmates will always be used for research.

That was why Ohm never told anybody that he can see his soulmate.

Since he was 10, he's been having dreams of the same male, every night. He told his mother about it but because it was very rare, his mother merely smiled and patted his head.

Being the intelligent boy that he is, he never brings up the topic again.

And now that he's already 24 years old, he anticipates the nights where he'll be meeting his soulmate.

He may not remember how he looks, but the time they spent together talking was more than enough to make his heart yearn for the other male.

Another thing that wasn't stated in books about true soulmates are the names will be forgotten once you're awake too.

So when they woke up, they had no clue what their soulmates' name was and what they looked like.

That night, Ohm went home feeling fatigue.

The workload tripled with the decrease of employees since the pandemic hit and Ohm being the few remaining employees was left to do everything.

He went to sleep with nothing in mind.


"Hi, you're here!"

Ohm smiles, he's with his soulmate. "I didn't know we're going to meet tonight."

The other male chuckled. "When do we ever?"

"True." He replied, signing. Somehow the fatigue was still there.

His soulmate noticed that and was quick to move behind him, giving him massages.

"Thank you Fluke."

"You're welcome. You must be tired P'Ohm."

Even with his soulmate behind him, Ohm can detect the pout. He smiled.

"I am, but being here with you is all that I need." He said, taking Fluke's right hand into his and leaving a kiss on the back of his palm.

The rest of the night was filled with more talks, cuddles and some kisses.

The next morning Ohm woke up, he was feeling as good as new.

"Thank you." Of course, he wouldn't remember his soulmates' name once he's awake but remembering the sensation was more than enough, for now.

Another thing that wasn't stated in the books was apparently when you finally meet your soulmate in reality, it will all just click.

Once your eyes meet, every memory, every dream spent together will become clear. The blurry faces now no longer blur, it was faces, the names came and it was as if you had always known your soulmate.

Because that was exactly how Ohm was feeling when he finally met Fluke.

The two of them meet each other by chance, their eyes landing upon each other.

"Wow." He said.

Fluke smile. "Wow indeed."

They wish they could've reacted better. But with eyes everywhere, all they could do was walk towards each other and finally kiss.

"Hello, soulmate." Ohm said, arms wrapped around Fluke's petite waist.

Fluke chuckled, pecking on the taller male's lips once again. "Hello soulmate."


A/N: If anybody wants to explore more of this au you can go ahead and make a continuation heheheh

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now