17 October 2021

348 28 11

"Oh, he's here." Fluke said to himself when he saw the familiar figure of a man he doesn't even know the name of, but has been crushing on since forever.

Fluke Natouch is a 25 year old male who's been working at the ticketing booth for the subway in Bangkok city. His mother passed away when he was a baby and he was an only child. He lived with his father who had done everything in his power to raise Fluke to be the man that he is.

However, the poor man was already so old and died when Fluke was only 15 years old. And since then, Fluke had lived alone by himself.

The man that Fluke has been crushing on was a regular commuter, he came to Fluke's booth at around 8.01 to 8.15 in the morning, Monday to Friday. He was just a perfect Prince Charming in Fluke's life.

He first saw the man nearly a year ago and the only conversation they shared was a mere nodding of heads. But that doesn't stop the 25 year old from crushing on the stranger.

And today, like any other day, the man came, got his ticket, gave it to Fluke and they smiled and nodded to each other. Fluke once again squealed internally by the exchange.

"You are so gorgeous." He whispered to the man who had boarded the train.

He finished his shift at 4PM and went to grab some quick meal for dinner, and by quick meal meaning just some microwaveable meal from the 24 hours convenience store near his apartment building.

"Evening Fluke~" His landlord who was hosing down the little garden he had greeted him as he was entering the apartment.

"Good evening, Mr. Sirijanya." He replied with a smile. His landlord is an old man in his 60's, a single male whose wife died a few years back and he was actually living with his son, Prem, who was nearly the same age as Fluke.

Aside from being his landlord's son, Prem is actually one of Fluke's closest friends.

"I'm home." He greeted once he entered his house. The reply was a bark from his companion, Tawan. The little pup ran to his arms and continued to lick his face. "Aww... Are you hungry buddy? Let me get you some food."

HIs life changed one day when he was on his shift at work on a Wednesday morning and Prince Charming came as usual. There weren't a lot of people in the morning so it wasn't crowded, in fact there was only Fluke, two other people and the male who just came. Fluke smiled, and the next thing he knew he heard a loud thump and saw Mr. Perfect being pushed by some thugs into the railway.

"Oh my God!" He ran out of his booth and jumped down the railway to see Prince Charming unconscious on the railroad, and to make matters worse, an express train was approaching.

"Help! Help! Sir! Wake up! Sir! Sir! Shit!" As the train was approaching fast, Fluke tried to help the obviously larger male to avail.

The only thing he could do was to roll them over to the side to avoid the incoming train and that was exactly what he did.

— — —

"I'm sorry sir I can't let you in. Only families are able to see the patient." The nurse said, pushing him away from entering the emergency room.

After the commotion, someone called in the ambulance and took the unconscious man and now here he is, at the hospital. He was thankfully just fine but the man still hadn't woken up.

As they rushed the man with the gurney into the surgery room, Fluke could only look at the man from afar, muttering, "I was going to marry him." to himself, not knowing that a nurse was nearby and heard what he said.

A few hours later, after the man was finally transferred to a room, the nurse took Fluke into the man's room. Fluke looked at the man, thankfully he looked okay, only a small bandage on his forehead and the monitor was beeping normally. He slowly took a seat beside the bed, still observing the face of the man he had only had the pleasure of seeing from a far before.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now