16 October 2021

285 29 4

Drabble Sets

Drabble 1

Inserting one digit after the other, he couldn't help but be conscious of the eyes that were on him. "Come on Noo, you can do it..."

He took a deep breath and inserted another one. "Shut up Ohm, I'm trying..."

When he finally inserted the final digit there was a pause, then a click and the two sighed in relief. "Thanks Fluke, I swear, I'm never going to forget my locker combo again."

— — —

Drabble 2

It wasn't that he didn't like swimming; it was just that he wasn't very good at it and he ended up looking stupid whenever he swam. That's why he sat by the poolside and watched as Boun ran, tripped and fell into the water. Suddenly there was a shadow hovering over him, he looked up.

"Why don't you go swimming Fluke?"

He shrugged, "Not good at it."

Ohm laughed and pulled him up by the arm. "Come on, it'll be fun. Don't worry! If Noo drowns, I'll save him!"

Somehow, he found that he couldn't say no to the invitation.

— — —

Drabble 3

It didn't happen often and he was embarrassed when it did happen. After all, he rarely tripped during practices. And he never tripped and landed on Ohm before. The two stared at each other for the longest time before Prem frowned. "Why aren't you guys moving?"

The two looked over and laughed sheepishly. "We can't, the costume laces are all tangled. Can you go get the costume people?"

Their eyes met as Ohm smiled at him. "So Fluke, how are you today?"

He couldn't help but wonder how such an imperfect moment could be so perfect.


A/N : Istg this is the last of it.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now