02 November 2021

296 31 6


Typhoon had just returned home. It was around 11 minutes before midnight, he switched on all the lights inside the condo only to pout. Pierce wouldn't be coming home today. It's the 3rd day, he should be getting used to it but since they resolved their problem, the couple hadn't been away from each other this long.

However, it seems like more and more artists wanted him to compose their song and now he needs to finish the recording of more than 5 songs before this new artist's debut, that was why he's been working hard. Typhoon has been more understanding since the incident but he couldn't help but miss his lover.

More whenever he's at their home.

He himself is in his last year and the final exams are coming. He spent more time studying when they were together but at least that time there's Pierce helping him and with his lesson and the older male would be close to him. Feeling as if he's going to cry, he plopped himself on the sofa and within seconds he was knocked down.

The tiredness from studying drained him out.

About 1 hour later, the door to the condo was opened. Pierce slowly entered and walked towards the living room where the light was on.

He frowned, Typhoon would usually just leave the kitchen light open when he's sleeping. He walked towards their shared room only to frown more when he found the room was empty. He was about to take out his phone and call his small lover only to stop when he heard a soft snoring coming from the couch.

He peeked on the couch and smiled, finding Typhoon sleeping on it.

Based on the clothes, it seemed like the younger didn't even bother changing since it was the clothes that he was wearing earlier today, Typhoon sending him a selfie earlier in the morning in the clothing.

As gently as he could, he leaned down and placed a small kiss on Typhoon's head of hair.

"...P'Pierce...." He heard the other mumble in his sleep as he turned around, facing the back of the couch instead. Pierce smiled, he walked towards their bedroom and got their comforter before walking back to the living room.

3 days without any physical contact with his lover was hell, he almost went back home in the first 24 hours after Pierce sent him a selfie of him pouting, with the caption 'I miss you'.

But that was the motivation he needed, what was supposed to be a week of working had been successfully reduced to 3 days. He had been working non stop just so he can return home already.

Moving carefully so as to not awaken Typhoon who is just as tired as he is, probably more since he had been studying nonstop too. Pierce knows just how much Typhoon hates studying alone, without him, but the fact that the younger male endured 3 days without him was making him proud.

He laid beside the smaller male, spooning him from behind before covering the two of them with the comforter.

Once again, Typhoon moved, this time to face him and snuggled towards his collarbone. Pierce had to stifle his laugh because of the ticklish sensation so the smaller wouldn't wake up.

"Phoon... it tickles." He whispered.

"...Phi?" Typhoon asked, not fully waking up but aware of his presence.

"Shhh... I'm here. Go back to sleep." He positioned his hand under the smaller head while the other around his waist, pulling Typhoon closer towards him. "Good night, Phoon." He whispered, kissing the crown of the other male as he closed his eyes. The tiredness finally sipped in.

"...good night."

After 3 days of restlessness, both male finally fall asleep peacefully, in each other's arms.


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