08 October 2021

297 28 8

A Drabble

"I'm telling you, he gets all depressed and grumpy. He's insufferable!" Cooheart kept going on and on while Fluke blushed madly.

"Really, babe? That's how you act when I'm not here?" Ohm tried to hide his amusement and Fluke nodded shyly.

"Awww that's so cute, baby!" Ohm pinched Fluke's cheeks only to receive a not-that-intimidating-glare and a rather adorable pout.

"Come with me, Noo. I've got some questions to do." Ohm grabbed Fluke by the wrist, ignoring the male's protests, and took him to their bedroom.

"Now that we're here, Noo, tell me. What exactly do you do when I'm not here?" His voice was no longer sweet and amused, it was low and husky, like if he knew exactly what happened in their room when he was not around.

"I-I-well, y-you heard Cooheart, I get depressed. That's all." Ohm smirked and lay on the bed with Fluke.

"Are you sure, baby? Cause P'Earth also told me that some weird noises come from here. You know, at night...when everyone is supposed to be asleep" He stared at his boyfriend, his eyes daring. Fluke gulped and blushed even harder than before.

"I-I..." Fluke took a deep breath and didn't dare to look at Ohm. "I think about you and— and I do things-while thinking of you." If it were possible, Ohm's smirk would've grown bigger.

"What things do you do, my sweet baby?" Fluke bit his bottom lip and whispered in an uncertain, shy voice:

"I-I touch m-myself."

Ohm swore he could've cum just by hearing that innocent voice saying something dirty like that. He decided to have some fun.

"Can you show me where you touch yourself?" Fluke turned beet red but began to take off his clothes anyway.

Ohm's breath was cut off by the sight of a naked Fluke. The boy sure knew how to make him hard.

Fluke sucked his own fingers, his eyes still unsure. He then took the first digit into his perfect little hole and Ohm bit his bottom lip in excitement. The finger went in and out of the pinkish entrance while Fluke's eyes were shut, his cheeks also pink and the most erotic sounds coming out of his mouth.

Oh this was going to be a long night.


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