13 August 2021

383 32 16

Fluke was reading some news that morning in the living room when Ohm suddenly came in with a cup of coffee in his right hand.

"What's wrong?" Ohm asked, sipping from his coffee.

Fluke shook his head, "Nothing."

"But you look gloomy."

"Nah. Don't mind me." He stood up with a frown on his face. "Just read some nasty news."

Ohm tugged the older male's shirt and looked at him, "You are the second most beautiful person I've seen today."

And Ohm was such a genius to say that because Fluke's frown got deeper. He had always thought he's the most beautiful person to Ohm's eyes but that was just his assumption. He replied in disappointment, "So who's the first?"

"The Fluke I know when he smiles." He said with the straightest face that Fluke couldn't help but to chuckle and that chuckle turned into a full blown laughter.

Ohm smiles after seeing the frown on his lover's face disappear. He then looked at his hands with a frown.

Fluke was aware that Ohm was staring at his own hands like he had done something wrong with it.

"Why do you keep looking at your hands?" he asked.

Ohm didn't bother to tear his eyes away from his hands. "I don't know. I think there's something wrong with them."


And this time, he finally looked at him. "You're not holding them."

Fluke looked at the taller and at his hands before laughing once again. Whatever news he was reading early was clearly forgotten.

After a couple minutes of laughing, he wiped his tears and moved closer towards Ohm and kissed him. "Thank you so much P'Ohm."

"You're welcome, but now I need your help." The taller said, gently removing the hair on the side of Fluke's face.

"What is it?"

"I lost something so can you find it for me?"

— — —

Annoyance can be seen on his face right now. He was looking and searching everywhere for three and a half hours now and yet he still can't find that damn thing Ohm asked him to search for.

After he told him that he lost the thing, P'News called Ohm and said he was needed in RS and Ohm had to regrettably go despite it being his day off. Something's are just not going as planned, always.

Feeling frustrated, he picked up his phone and dialed his lover's number. He waited for the other line to pick up and when Ohm did he burst out his frustration.

"Where the heck did you put this whatever you call it 'happiness' stuff, P'Ohm? I CAN'T FIND IT."

Ohm let out a sigh and mumbles a few words before replying to him.

"Eh? That's weird... Because the last time I remember having it, I was with you."

Needless to say, once Ohm returned home from his sudden meeting that day, he was welcomed with a handful of Fluke Natouch and a sleepless night where it was his name that Fluke called again and again.

Not that he mind it.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now