19 August 2021

399 29 14

The bell goes off, indicating that school is over. I pack my bag and walk briskly towards the exit.

As I have just walked out of the school gate, someone taps my shoulder.

"K'Ohm?" My eyes widen in surprise and disbelief. I then quickly look around in case some girls have spotted me being with their 'prince'. Luckily, we are already kind of far from the school premises, much to my relief.

"What are you doing here? Um, I think it's best that you don't hang out with me, because your fangirls will be upset." I blabber due to nervousness.

He just chuckles. "Yah, I was looking for you in the classroom just now, but you were gone! Are you in a hurry to go home or something?" I shake my head slowly.

"Great! Wanna go to my house? I have this photography competition, national level, and the top ten photographs would be displayed in the National Gallery! I want to win it, but I don't have any inspiration. So I thought maybe you can help me since you, you know, read a lot. You must know a lot of stuff right?"

"Not really. How am I supposed to help you, though? I don't know anything about photography."

"It's okay. Come on, please?" He pleads.

"Okay, okay.," I sigh in defeat. With a broad smile—no, smirk—he grabs my hand and leads me to his house. All the fucking way.

His house is a cozy two-story house, much bigger than mine though. He opens the door for me.

"Uh, are your parents home?" I ask nervously, then suddenly regret it because gosh I sound so obvious!

"Nope. Both my parents are on a business trip. Do you think I would ask for your help if my parents are home?" He chuckles again.

My heart drops. "Oh. Okay." Aish! This doesn't mean anything, you idiot! Stop being too hopeful! He just needs your help because nobody else can. So you'd better not disappoint him! He shows me the way to his room and, placing his camera on his desk, he goes downstairs to the kitchen to get some drinks for both of us.

I sat on his bed, observing his slightly messy room. Resisting my urge to reorganize his bookshelves, my eyes land on his black camera. Without thinking, I grab it and start studying it. It's heavier than expected. How can that guy bring this around all the time? A photo album catches my attention. It is half-hidden by his camera bag, but not hidden enough for me to miss. It's blue and silver in colour. I pick it up, feeling curious about what kind of pictures he takes. Can it contain pictures of his fangirls? With a grumpy huff, I start flipping the pages. My eyes go wide as soon as I see the pictures. I begin flipping through the album furiously, but the subject for all pictures is the same.

They are pictures of... me.

Pictures of me sitting under that oak tree. Some were when I was reading a book, some were of me eating my sandwich, some were just me staring at the sky or the ground. I practically drop the album onto his desk and check his camera. And there they are. Pictures of me, taken today.


Suddenly, I realise that Ohm is already standing at the door. He looks at me wide-eyed before rushing in. Settling the tray of drinks on the table, he snatches his camera from my hand. His eyes then travel to the opened photo album, then at me. He seems as surprised as I am, which is new for this cocky guy. Even so, I can't bring myself to look at him. I feel extremely awkward, and confused.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes, breaking the silence that has fallen.

"For what?"

"For...all this." He weighs his camera in his hand and his head gestures towards the photo album. "I'm not some creepy stalker or something, I swear."

"May I know why?" I ask timidly, still feeling embarrassed. "Why do you take pictures of me?"

"Honestly... You are just too...beautiful. I like taking pictures of you. You are worth it."

I snort. I can't help it. Beautiful? He must be joking with me. I'm Fluke Natouch after all; nobody would ever think of the word 'beautiful' when looking at me. Flowers are beautiful, I'm not. His fangirls are beautiful, I'm not. He is beautiful, while I'm...

"Liar," I reply, half-whispering.

"I'm not lying!" He grabs my shoulders. "You are. And I like you."

"I..." I stammer, turning my head away. He laces his fingers with mine, holding my hand tightly.

"I love you."

There. The words just roll out of my mouth easily like melted butter. I dare myself to look at him, and find him smiling. My heart is racing in my chest as he brings his face closer to mine. Slowly, he brushes his lips against mine, causing me to stiffen. He pulls back a little, enjoying my reaction. He pulls my hand and leads me towards his bed. Oh my gosh.

"W-wait, K'Ohm..."

"Just call me Ohm. And what is it?"

"I'm..." My eyes darted from his face towards the bed. I'm pretty sure that my face is red right now. He chuckles slightly and sits me down on the bed before settling himself next to me.

He begins pressing his lips on mine again, this time with his tongue licking my bottom lip, earning a gasp from me. I let his tongue invade my mouth, my hands holding onto his neck instinctively and I tug on his hair, trying to urge him. He pushes me gently onto my back without breaking our contact. He then moves down to my jaw, licking and sucking on it. Inhaling sharply, I turn my head to my right to give him better access to my neck. I open my eyes slowly, and find myself looking at our reflection in his full-length mirror hung on the wall. The sight shocks me. Being next to him makes the comparison too obvious. I'm not good enough for him.



Suddenly, I sat up, pushing him off me in the process. I'm about to get up, but he grabs my hand. "Why? What's wrong?" He looks at me worriedly.

"You don't have to do this. Don't force yourself."

"What are you talking about? I am not forcing myself!"

"Shut up!" I almost shouted have I not been trying to hold back my tears?'' "I'm... I'm not good enough for you. I know I'm not beautiful, you don't have to say that I am—"

He pushes me roughly onto the bed, cutting my sentence as a yelp escapes my lips. He stares hard into my eyes, slightly panting. "Don't you ever say that you are not beautiful, because you are. In my eyes, you are the one thing closest to perfection."

I whimper. Perfection? Me?

"Stop telling yourself that you are imperfect, or too ugly, because you are definitely my jewel. Don't you realise that is why I love taking your pictures? That I keep them like my treasure?"

I looked into his eyes, looking for any sign of lies, but the look he's giving me hasn't been deterred. It has always been that confident, loving look.

He sighs as I didn't move to give any response yet.

Slowly, a small smile plays on my lips. I snake my arms around his neck and pull his face closer, taking him by surprise.

"Why treasure the pictures, when the real thing is in front of you?" I tease albeit shyly.

He grins.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now