19 November 2021

275 32 6

A Repost

"Seriously." Fluke hissed.

He was currently stuck in the boys' bathroom with his best friend, Earth. The latter was too busy applying that darned lipstick onto his already sparkling lips and did not seem to pay attention to Fluke. Puckering his lips for emphasis, the older boy placed the lipstick into the pocket of his pants and rounded on his irritated friend.

"For your info dear Fluke, it's called a lip gloss, not lipstick." Earth clarified, tapping Fluke's nose.

"Same difference. Lipstick, lip gloss, who cares." The shorter sniffed distastefully. "They only add unnatural layers to your lips."

"You have no sense of style at all." Earth scoffed in disgust. "Sometimes I wonder if you're really my best friend."

"So I embarrass you now?" Fluke snapped, as they headed out the door.

"No. I just wish you'd pay more attention to your looks. That's all." The older one shrugged.

"I prefer my natural look, thank you." Fluke dismissed. "And I don't get why you have to wear that all the time. I mean, we're in school right now."

Instead of answering, Earth gave him a devious look as he was promptly pulled into a kiss by his well-known boyfriend, Kao. Fluke made a disgusted noise at the back of his throat, diverting his eyes away from the disgusting public display of affection. The couple was literally eating each other's mouths, completely oblivious to the people around them.

"Done yet?" Fluke demanded, hands on his hips in a haughty manner.

The couple broke away from the heated kiss, with Kao giving a last lick on Earth's lips. He smirked in Fluke's direction as if taunting him.

"That is why I wear it Fluke." Earth said casually, smacking his lips together. "P'Kao loves it. Maybe you should try some."

Kao swooped down to plant one last kiss on the Earth's lips before bounding in the opposite direction. Cringing, Fluke merely gave his friend an affronted look before leaving the boy behind to head for his own class and ignoring the slightly taller male's call to wait for him. He made a short detour to his locker and headed for his next class. When he entered the room, he was surprised to see a familiar-looking small pouch sitting on his table.

"P'Earth dropped it off." Pineare informed. "He told me to tell you that."

"Thanks Pine." Fluke smiled appreciatively.

Taking his seat, he opened the pouch and tipped the contents out. Stealing a glance at their teacher was busy chattering away, he looked at the note and pink lip gloss on top of his desk. He curled a brow as he read the note.

Just in case. Might wanna use it for that lover boy of yours. Don't lie. I know you have a thing for that basketball captain.

PS: It's caramel, your favouite. See? I am a thoughtful friend.


Fluke snorted at the note. What? By wearing the lip gloss he was going to have Ohm fawn all over him? Please. He knew better than that. Ohm was popular and Fluke knew he had seen all types of lip gloss all over from all those who—...bit—.....sickly giggling creatures who threw themselves at him. He cringed at the thought. However, he decided to just keep the lip gloss just in case Earth asked for it later. Looking up, he stole a look across the classroom at Ohm who was staring intently at the board in front.

His hand found the lip gloss he had stashed away in his pocket and bit his lips. Earth's words rang in his mind. Maybe it would not hurt to try it on. Even once. See how it goes. As soon as the bell rang for lunch, Fluke surreptitiously slipped the lip gloss out of his pocket and hurriedly applied it onto his plump lips. Pineare gave him a weird look but he ignored it.

"Do I even want to know what's going on?" She asked. "You're acting like P'Earth when he mismatched his socks with his bag."


"I gather as much. See you later P'Fluke."

Waving a goodbye, Fluke took in a deep breath and gathered his things to leave the classroom. But before he could even set his foot outside of the room, he was yanked backwards and found himself pressed up against a hard chest. Startled, he looked up to see who it was. He did not have time to ponder when he felt a pair of lips crashing against his, urging him to kiss back.

His eyes drooped close and it took him another minute to realize that he was kissing Ohm. The other practically devoured his mouth hungrily. Coming back to reality, he jerked away earning a disappointed groan from the boy.

"Why did you pull away? I was enjoying myself." The boy whined.

"Do you do that to every single one of your admirers?" Fluke asked dangerously.

"So you admit you're my admirer?" Ohm smirked.


"Don't worry Fluke, I will only do this with you." The captain grinned, pulling Fluke back against him. "I love your lips so much. You taste like caramel."

With that said, he once again took Fluke's lips into a passionate kiss. Fluke responded right away. So if wearing the lip gloss meant having Ohm to do this to him all the time, he did not think it would be too bad to use it. In fact, he was starting to get his brother's point. But unknown to Fluke, it was not the lip gloss that made Ohm want him.

Ohm had admired him from afar before this, but was too unsure of how to approach him. When he saw Fluke smacking his rosy lips after applying the lip gloss, he lost it. The gesture looked incredibly sexy in his eyes that he did not think twice before doing what he did. He was not regretting it either.

With or without gloss, Fluke's lips tasted exquisite regardless.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now