14 September 2021

320 32 6

"Tawan! Tawan! Please come out! Tawan!"

Fluke had been shouting for his puppy for the past 20 minutes. He had taken the pup out for a walk that evening after being cooped up inside the house with work for more than a week. He had finally got the time to relax and breathe outside air, and since tawan was unfortunately stuck in the house like him, he figured it'll be good for the little pup to go out.

Don't get him wrong, he did let the door to his lawn open every evening so Tawan could go out and play, but unfortunately he can't afford to even take a few breaks to play with his puppy. His work load was too much considering he had been on leave for as long as the lock down had been happening.

When they arrived at the dog park, Tawan was having a blast just running around and playing with the other dogs there and Fluke went towards the many food trucks to get him some snacks. But when he returned, he didn't see his pup. And unfortunately the people there only saw Tawan running after him, probably thinking that the puppy was following him.

He thanks them before going around the park and around the area for his little pup.

"Tawan!" He shouted again, he was nearing his housing area and ran towards his house, thinking the pup probably ran back to their house when he couldn't find his owner near him. "Tawan are you here?"

Sure enough, he can hear a pup barking, but the sound wasn't inside the house. So he went to his backyard and called for the pup again. "Tawan?" And another bark.

"Tawan, where are you?"

What he didn't expect was for a person to pop up from the other side of the fence, holding his pup. "Tawan!" He exclaimed, walking towards the person who was so goddamn good looking and tall and big and I bet his hugs are soft and he'll keep me warmWhat the heck Fluke. Pull yourself together!

"Hello." The person, who was smiling at him innocently while holding his pup, greeted. Fluke looked at the person and at his perfectly fine puppy who was in the other person's arms. "Is this your dog?" he asked.

Fluke nodded his head. "Yeah." He replied, thanking god his voice didn't vibrate like how his whole body is, all because of this God like person.

"And his name is Tawan?" The person asked again. And once more, Fluke nodded his head, not quite trusting himself to talk just yet.

"I'm sorry, how rude I am. My name's Ohm and I'm your neighbour, I just moved in about 2 weeks ago."

Who in the hell moved houses during the pandemic? Weren't we in a lockdown?

Based on his confused look which he didn't even bother covering, his neightbour, Ohm, chuckled. "My aunt's the owner of this house and she rented it to me, that's why it was easier for me to get here." He said. Oh.

"Anyways, Tawan here actually has been coming to my house for the past week and I've been playing with him." He added, showing off Fluke's own pup to the owner.

"Oh, so that's why he ran away." Fluke muttered.

"He ran away?"

"Oh, yeah. We were actually at the dog park when he suddenly went missing when I went to get some snacks."

"Ah..." Ohm smiled. "I guess because he always comes to my house around this time and we play together." As if he understood what they were just saying and agreeing to what his newly founded neighbour, Tawan barked. "Oh yes, we have buddy." Ohm cooed at his dog.

Fluke couldn't help but to smile. "I'm so glad he's okay, and I'm sorry if he was bothering you. I'll make sure he did—" He was about to take the small pup from the taller when Ohm shook his head.

"No, it's okay. It really wasn't a bother. I enjoyed playing with him so much, you know, with the lock down and all. I haven't really met anybody to befriend with and having this little dude was so much fun. I'm just sad I didn't know what his name was until today. All this week I've just been calling him 'Noo'."

Fluke nodded his head in understanding. "Then I'm glad you had fun too, K'Ohm—"

"Please, call me Ohm. It seemed like we're not even that far apart in age."

"Right, Ohm. And thank you for taking your time to play with him. I've been so busy with work that I didn't have time for him. I only let him out to the backyard so he can at least move around. Say, how did he get to your house anyway?" He asked in wonder. The fences were quite tall and Tawan isn't that athletic, if he must say.

"Oh, there's actually a tiny little hole here." Ohm said, pointing to the hole under them. It wasn't that obvious as it was covered by the bushes.

"Ah... No wonder I didn't see it." the smaller male said, inspecting the whole.

Ohm let down the pup and smiled. "Well, now that that's settled, would you like to come for dinner? I mean, you are the first neighbour, heck, a person I've talked to since I moved here."

It took all his might for him not to jump and shouted YES to the invitation right away. Instead, he took a couple seconds before smiling and nodding his head. "Of course. But, don't you think it should be the other way around? You're the new neighbour anyways. I should've been the one inviting you."

"No, it's okay. I'm inviting you first so maybe you can invite me some other time?" Now, Fluke isn't a dummy. He's a 25 year old male who knows a thing or two about flirting and it was pretty obvious that his new neighbour was interested in him just as he was to the other. He bit his lower lips and let out a shy smile.

"Sure, I'll invite you some other time."

Ohm let out another smile, dimple and all that it made Fluke weak in the knees he had to grab hold on Tawan a little bit tighter to regain his balance. "Great, so, I'll see you tonight at 8?"

"Sounds perfect."

"8 o'clock. It's a date."

Fluke widened his eyes when Ohm wink and finally returned to his house.

"Wow, that was fast."

Tawan barked at him before licking his face. "Well, it seemed like somebody deserved a treat and a thank you." He said to his puppy. "Let's go, I'll get you some snacks."

After what Tawan did, he definitely deserved the treat.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now