25 October 2021

320 30 11

A Repost 

"Number 2974640." Ohm stood up, it was him. "Follow me." He was instructed and he left whatever he was doing on his desk to do as he was told, following the man dressed in dark red and looking down, it wasn't as if he had the right to say no or do whatever he wished to, it was useless anyways.

"Medical examination." Ohm simply stayed there, waiting to receive further indications.

Medical examinations, twice a year, would take his whole day, staying in that white room, doing whatever the doctors, or at least Ohm wanted to believe they were, asked him to.

The next day Ohm went out from the grey building and walked again, his suitcase with almost nothing inside in his hand and his steps a little slower than before.

He arrived at the place he used to sleep and saw there was food there, already served, the only one he would get in the entire day. It was cold, Ohm noticed, because he had tasted the food warm once and he decided he liked it better than the one which had hours of being there.

Ohm ate silently, standing up and going out again for a walk; because there was nothing else he could do to kill his time, his day was supposed to be designed for him to get tired but it didn't work, he wasn't tired when the day ended.

The hour in which the sun reached the city was gone already and he did nothing but walk again, towards the limits of the city, towards the huge wall that separated him from the outside. He knew nothing about the other side, he knew nothing about the world. And according to what he was taught, he wasn't supposed to want to know more than he already did.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" the same man dressed in dark red asked and Ohm turned up, looking up at the wall because he didn't realize he had arrived there already.

"I was just taking a walk so I ended up here. I guess I'll walk to the other side now." Ohm said once again flatly, just like he did all the time.

He turned around and kept on walking, knowing he had to walk really slowly because there was still time left for the curfew.

It wasn't long for Ohm to reach the other side of the city, he wished it would be bigger. He didn't know how much it took him to walk side to side, but he wasn't interested, he didn't have a watch, the only watch in the city was owned by the one who controlled their schedules and up until now, Ohm hasn't had problems with that.

Ohm looked up again, the sky was turning dark. Again. It wasn't even trying anymore.

He turned around, ready to leave. But he stopped his tracks when he heard a strange sound, he looked around to see where it was coming from and he found nothing.

The sound stopped and Ohm just stayed still, watching if anyone else heard it.

It seemed it wasn't like that since everyone was acting normal. He turned to the cameras watching him carefully, wondering if someone was going to come and get him because he was getting insane. Maybe it was for the best, because they were creating the perfect species, and if Ohm didn't fit their demands, he would get killed right away.

He waited there for a few seconds, but no one was coming for him. He looked at the people walking to their houses or rooms already, because it wasn't too long before the curfew.

And he stayed still. He knew he had no chance to arrive in his own room before the alarm sounded. But somehow, he didn't care, there was nothing in his mind, neither in his heart.

Once again the same sound. Ohm looked up at the sky, not knowing what was happening, the streets getting empty by each second that passed.

He walked again, looking down, his feet feeling weak and him knowing it was because of that medical examination from early.

OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now