24 August 2021

361 33 8

"Who left these veggies on their plate?" Earth frowned upon seeing some leftovers on a particular plate. Prem, Kao, and Boun turned their heads pointedly at Ohm immediately.

"Ohm!" The petite male glared at the taller male; hands on his hips. Ohm looked back at the older one and smiled innocently. "It doesn't taste good, P'Earth." He reasoned out before he engrossed himself back to his magazine.

The rest three kept their silence as they knew how scary Earth could be when it came to eating habits. "Since when do vegetables taste good on you, anyway?" Earth hissed at Ohm who just ignored his words.

"That's it. You know vegetables never taste good on me." Ohm answered lazily; his eyes still glued on the paper. Earth rolled his eyes in disbelief. "But you still have to eat them no matter what. They're healthy, you spoiled kid!" the smaller man stated; half-yelling at him. "Yah!" Now Earth really yelled at him.

"Coo..." Prem and Kao called in unison, trying to calm down the upset male. "Just let him be. You know how stubborn he is." Boun added. Ohm had a faint smirk on his face when he heard the other three backing him up. But Earth didn't miss that annoying smirk of Ohm.

Smirk on me? Let's see how long your smirk could stay there. Earth thought as he pulled out his phone and dialed some digits of the number. The trio except Ohm looked at Earth warily. "Hello~" Earth greeted the other line sickeningly sweet; dangerous enough to make Kao pull Prem and Boun to both of his sides, yet Ohm still didn't give it a damn.

"Yeah, it's Cooheart, Fluke." Ohm quickly snapped his attention to Earth who was standing against him; smirking. Ohm had no idea that Earth could actually smirk like that. "Nothing, it's just Ohm didn't eat his vegetables and he didn't want to hear me even when I told him to do so. You know that vegetables are important, right, Noo?" Earth smirked even wider when he saw Ohm mouthed him to hang up the phone, but the other one just mocked him inaudibly.

"You want to talk to Ohm? Okay, wait a second." Earth then suddenly smiled innocently as he handed his phone to Ohm, while the latter swore he would get his revenge on the smaller man for complaining about him to Fluke later on.

Ohm took the phone from Earth and walked away to their dorm balcony; yet he still could hear Kao praising Earth for his smartness.

"Yes, Noo?" Ohm tried to sound out as sweet as he could though he was actually deadly mad at that moment. "Is that true what Cooheart has said to me?" He could hear his lover's soft voice filled with worry and concern. "Hm." Ohm hummed his answer.

"Ohmmy, you need to eat nutritious meals, you know that right? Don't make them worry about you. And don't make me worry, too, especially when you're away from me right now." Ohm sighed as he could imagine some tears that threatened to fall from Fluke's eyes; judging from the shaky voice he heard across the other line.

"I'm sorry if I make you worry, baby." Ohm apologized sincerely.

"Hm. It's okay now. Just eat them, yes? The veggies, I mean. But I don't get it..."

"Hm? What?" Ohm asked curiously.

"You always eat your veggies when we're together, but I always get a report from Cooheart that you never want to touch them whenever you're away~" Ohm knew Fluke was pouting that time and he smiled as he pictured that pout.

"Don't they taste the same everywhere? I even think that veggies in Chinese food are tastier."

"No, they don't taste the same." Ohm blurred out.


Ohm smiled before he answered his boyfriend, "Yup, I only find vegetables tasty when I eat them with you." There's a pause for a moment and Ohm could tell that the other line was surely blushing hard after hearing his reply.

"Then, just think of me when you eat them."

Ohm chuckled, "But how could I eat them if I have to think of you at the same time? I'm afraid I will find myself thinking of eating you instead."

"Yah! I'm hanging up now!" And Ohm couldn't hold back his laugh any longer afterwards; imagining the all-red-Fluke.

"Here's your phone." Ohm gave back the phone to its owner who was smiling annoyingly at him, before he turned to get the dining table and picked up his plate.

"What are you doing?" Earth asked him in a mocking tone.

"Shut up! I promise I'll always eat my vegetables, just don't ever call him again." Ohm said; taking a full spoon of vegetables he left minutes before. "I don't want to make him worried." He added; mumbling. Earth just chuckled at him.

"Our tall block sure lives his soft and lovely romantic side of him when it comes to Fluke~" Boun commented playfully; making Prem, Kao and Earth burst into happy laughters, while Ohm pretending he heard nothing.


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