13 October 2021

315 34 8

Fluke wasn't that good at cooking. More so with baking. Everybody knows that.

That was why he's been taking baking classes online to improve his baking skill. After his first attempt for Ohm's birthday had successfully landed him the actor as his boyfriend, he wanted to repeat that success for his best friend Cooheart's birthday.

Not saying that's going to cheat on Ohm, no he worked too hard to get that tall block to be his, no way was he going to throw that away. Plus, he loves him too much.

After taking online classes for about a month now, he thinks he's finally ready to bake a strawberry cake, one that Kao said Coo loves.

So he calls for his boyfriend and Kao to come to his house to be his guinea pig.

He started steadily, everything was ready and all he needed to do was to not mess up. Kao was in the living room, just waiting for the time he's called so he can taste the cake but Ohm is of course going to be in the kitchen, helping his little lover.

"Why are you pouting?" Fluke asked when he saw Ohm was indeed pouting.

"It's just, when it was my birthday, you didn't even bother taking a baking class but now you are for P'Earth." He sulking-ly said. Fluke rolled his eyes at the younger male. He knows Ohm was just jealous that he was putting in more effort on Cooheart's birthday gift.

"That's because I'm not only learning to bake for Coo's birthday. Think of all the cakes and baked goods I'll be making for you later." He said and that instantly lifted the pout away from ohm's face who looked at him, smiling brightly.

"Will you make me that chocolate cake again?"

"Of course, silly. Now come and help me."

So they started baking, with Ohm helping the smaller male by just passing him whatever it is that he needs. Everything was going on perfectly until Fluke asked Ohm to pass him the shortening.

"Pass me the shortening P'Ohm." When his empty hand remained empty, he looked over with a frown. "Pass me the shortening."

His boyfriend shook his head. "No way Noo, you can do without shortening."

"What? I need it for the cake!"

He continued to shake his head stubbornly. "You've had way too much of it already! If I give you anymore I'm going to have to carry you around in my bag! You don't need to get any shorter!"

From the living room, Kao laughed as Fluke threw a handful of batter at the tallest of the three.


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