21 December 2021

214 29 6

A Drabble. DeanPharm

It was just another lazy Sunday morning but Pharm was already in the kitchen, taking out ingredient to make some cookies for Gaem's class party in the coming Monday.

"Pharm, you're up?" He turned to the sound of his husband walking inside the kitchen and smiled before nodding.

"I'm going to bake some cookies for Garm," he answered, leaning up to kiss Dean's lips as a greeting. Dean's once sleepy eyes instantly opened wide by the kiss, it was always his booster for the morning.

"I'll help you," the taller man exclaimed, folding the sleeves of his shirt before standing beside the smaller male. Pharm smiled and began telling the older male what to do and how to do it.

They were in the process of mixing the ingredient and with Dean helping it was clearly taking longer than it was supposed to be.

"Nong Pharm," he called for his husband and once the smaller one turned to look at him, he couldn't help but chuckle. "I thought you're supposed the good one,"

"What do you mean?" Pharm asked, confused.

Dean shakes his head, smiling, before walking towards the smaller and standing in front of him. "Here, let me help you," and with that, he wrapped his arms around Pharm and leaned down before licking the flour on the tip of Pharm's nose.

"Daddy! Papa! Why are you doing that in front of me?!" Both male pulled away from each other when their oldest son Gon's voice came ringing in the kitchen.

Pharm quickly turned to hide his blushing cheeks while Dean merely chuckled.

Even though they've been together for more than 10 years, everyday still feels like a new one for them. Falling in love again and again.


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