04 November 2021

306 29 6

"Time for a story, children." Said a teacher of a kindergarten class who seemed too young to be one

As the teacher said those words, the children ran excitedly towards their teacher and began to cling all over him, some were clinging on his legs, somewhere on his arms, while some who were successful enough had themselves sitting on the teacher's lap.

"What story are you gonna read this time teacher?" One of the kids asked, cute puppy eyes were displayed upon the teacher.

The teacher flashed a smile at everyone before turning to a kid. "It's Pharm's turn to pick a story this time."

The boy smiled a radiant smile before running off to get his story book. Getting the book he's chosen, he went back to the teacher and gave it together with a sweet smile.

"I want this story Teacher Noo." The kid called his teacher with a name that surprised him.

The name "Noo" was something given to him by his boyfriend, normally his students would call him "Teacher Fluke, or Teacher Fook" but apparently his boyfriend visiting all day has influenced his students into calling him that.

"T-Thank you Pharm, now let's see what book you picked." Fluke said, looking at the book, he smiled when he read the title. "Well, it seems like I'll be reading to you the story of Peter Pan." Fluke enthusiastically said.

His students cheered, clapped, and jumped in excitement, Fluke's excitement made them excited. The reason why Fluke is their favorite teacher is because he's pretty much everything a kid will want, he's like everyone's big brother, though some of them treat Fluke as their mother.

"Do you guys know the story of Peter Pan?" Fluke asked, his students shook their heads no.

"Well, the story of Peter Pan is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up." Fluke exclaimed, "He always used to say that he wants to stay as a boy forever, and have fun."

As Fluke went on through the story, he didn't notice someone entering his classroom, and made his way behind Fluke who was sitting just beside the table before the black board. The said guy sat in the corner of the room, completely invisible to Fluke, he admired the way Fluke smiles as he tells the story to his students, while signaling some of the kids who noticed him to keep quiet.

"Wendy came closer to Peter, 'Peter... I would like to give you a kiss.' She said, and then Peter held out his hand making Wendy clueless, 'Don't you know what a kiss is?'  Wendy asked Peter, he said he'll know what a kiss is when Wendy gives it to him."

Fluke continued to tell the story to his students.

"'She was leaving you, Peter! Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let us now take a peep into the future, shall we?' Said Captain Hook, but even after those things he said, Peter Pan didn't give up, he fought until the end because he knows that Wendy is the only person that can make him truly happy."

"Tis the fair Wendy. She's in her nursery. The window is shut."

"I'll open it." Said Peter

"I'm afraid the window is barred." Said Captain Hook

"I'll call out her name!" Peter fought back.

"She can't hear you..." Captain hook responded


"She can't see you."

Fluke told the story to his class enthusiastically and full of emotion, making his class gasp in surprise whenever he told a shocking part, making them laugh when he read a comical part.

"And after that, they flew to the sky! All of them together! They sailed the sky and danced in the clouds."

The students were overwhelmed with amazement, but one couldn't help but to ask. "Teacher Noo, how do you fly?" A curious little kid asked.

Fluke gently patted the head of his student and smiled at him and said. "Well, according to Peter Pan, to be able to fly, one must think of happy thoughts, anything that makes you happy, then you slowly lift into the air and fly!"

"Wow!" Everyone said,

"Anything that makes me happy, teacher?" The same kid asked,

"Yes dear, anything, it can be anyone too." Fluke giggled,

"What about my mommy teacher? She makes me happy. If I think about her, will I fly?" Another one asked.

"Of course dear, if you love mommy that much, then thinking about her will make you fly, because she gives you happiness."

All of a sudden, a clap was heard throughout the room, followed by another, and another, Fluke seemed like the only one who was surprised, he scanned the room and the clapping seemed to come from behind him.

Turning behind, he saw a guy sitting on a chair at the corner of the room.


The said guy walked towards Fluke and helped him up since he was sitting down, as if it was a cue, the school bell rang indicating that it was recess time, and Fluke didn't waste any time dismissing his students.

Once he was alone with his boyfriend, his smile turned into a bigger one.

"What are you doing here P'Ohm?" Fluke asked,

"Well... Story time was interesting." Ohm chuckled, he went around and wrapped his arms around his waist, and rested his head on Fluke's shoulders.

Fluke chuckled softly. "You were listening?"

Ohm nodded through Fluke's shoulders, "Uh Huh... Sure is a good story Noo, I learned a lot from it." He said cutely.

"Oh really?" Said Fluke in a playful tone. "You listened to it from the start till the end?" He asked, getting another nod from his boyfriend as a reply.

"I can even say some of the lines in the book."

"Well let's see you try."

Ohm hugged tightly. "Aye, that is a kiss, it is indeed a powerful thing." Ohm quoted some of the lines that Fluke read.

"That's it?"

"Well I can say I'm like Peter Pan." Ohm proudly said.

"And why is that so? Because you never want to grow up?" Fluke asked amused

"Naah, it's because 'I'm the best there is'." Ohm boasted.

Fluke sighed jokingly. "Now you're just being too full of yourself P'Ohm." He giggled, he tried wriggling away from his boyfriend's possessive grip, but during their years of being together, Fluke knew that fighting back from his boyfriend when he's in his possessive mode will get him nowhere.

"There is one mistake I'd like to point out though Noo." Ohm said, with a cute pout on his lips.

"And what is that Mr. Thitiwat Ritprasert?"

"The story claims that thinking happy thoughts, or thinking about a thing, or a person who makes you really happy, will make you fly."

Fluke nodded, signaling Ohm to go on.

"But how come, when I think of you, the person that can give so much happiness to me, instead of flying, I found myself falling?" In a flash, Ohm was in front of Fluke, with their faces pressed together.

"I guess I've been thinking of you too much, that I fell all the way." Ohm whispered, as he ran his fingers gently through Fluke's cheeks.

Ohm pressed his lips against Fluke's, nibbling on his lower lip asking for more, which Fluke gladly obliged. Ohm was dominant in the kiss, and as dominant as he is, was as submissive Fluke was.

It lasted for a good amount of minutes before they stopped to catch their breaths.

"What was that for P'Ohm?" Fluke asked, though he's not complaining.

"Well, just like the story said Noo, 'Every good story ends with a kiss'." Ohm winked, at Fluke before getting him back in his possessive arms.


OhmFluke A Day IIWhere stories live. Discover now